A day of the planets!


As the moon goes down, just so the sun comes up!
I am sure that no one can be absolutely sure how long this planet ritual has continued!

We know that the moon is supposed to signify the night and the sun the day, but here's the catch. What if both are up at the same time in the day? Now if these planets had any human characteristics, the one would fight with the other to protect their territory.
Not so, as they complement each other and have always worked together.
A lesson for us?


Mother moon sinking slowly and majestically below the tree line on its way to light up the night in other countries!

**In the meantime let's go and see how Mister Sun is doing! **


This is the only bit of warm color that we saw today as the sun emerged covered by clouds behind the mountains!


Yep! It was going to be a cold day as the cloud was determined to keep the sun covered!


But the sun doesn't like to be covered and he kept on fighting with the clouds!


Here the sun almost made an escape, but only for a few minutes as he stayed covered for most of the day and only shone a bit now in the late afternoon.

What about the snow?


We are expecting the first serious snow fall tomorrow night and for the first time I could get the advancing clouds of a snow storm.

Exciting times for us as we come from the Highveld, where I have only seen snow about 3 times in my long life. Now we live down south where snow is a regular occurrence on the high mountain peaks.
Our first experience at this side of the mountains, as before we lived in the apple valley on the other side of the mountains.

The clouds today are so dramatic in the swirling winds that run ahead of a solid mass of cloud. I took about 50 shots of different swirling formations driven by the high winds. A bit of bad news is that those same winds will become angry and they will drop down tomorrow to ground level.
But I am ready for them, as I have one of those Russian fur hats and we are going to have some fun.
So! I am sure to share some great photos with all of you!

And That's All Folks!

Note: All photos are my own, unedited and cropped for uploading.
Camera used: Canon SX60HS

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures.

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