HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! @readthisplease.


I met you through @onwugbenuvictor, and I can proudly say that my life has changed for the better. You have impacted me in more ways than I care to admit.

You are selfless, smart, ambitious, charming reliable, intelligent, loving, optimistic, funny, sweet, legendary, your heart is beautiful. You are a fountain of knowledge, and I am most intrigued by the singular fact that you never hesitate to give your time and attention to whoever is in need of your help. Really though, how can you be so awesome?

I’ll never forget how many zoom meetings, physical meetings, WhatsApp video calls, and voice calls you scheduled just to make sure that I had a complete grasp of whatever it was that I was set to learn from you... @attentionneeded, this paragraph is incomplete without you my friend.

You once struck me as a rude, bossy jerk and that was my first impression of you. However, I now know better, you are the real MVP. You are everything that I’d ever hoped to find in a friend.
Truth is, you have inspired me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be, and I hope that I can somehow show you someday how thankful I am.

Most importantly, I am the lucky one, to have you in my corner, to know that I have someone I can turn to on good days, bad days, or whenever. You’ll always be there for me.

Odi sugar, it's not often that I get to say this to someone, but I'd like you to know that this friendship is one of the best things that has happened to me. Boy, I have you in my corner, Lucky me!

I could go on and on about how amazing you are but then, I wouldn’t want your already big head to swell till it bursts. You dig?

I wish you the very best in all your endeavours. If you feel depressed, here's a trailer load of happiness (Me, I gatchu). You have shown me what true friendship is and I am grateful.

Our friendship is for keeps, and I intend to keep it for as long as I can. You are not regular, hence, you’re stuck with me friend!

The world needs more of you!

You, my friend, You are Gold, RAW GOLD.@readthisplease.

PS: @onwugbenuvictor, you know you’re my gee forever, let @readthisplease have his moment 😁 .

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