My Introductory Post

Hi Everyone,
I would like to use this first post to introduce myself. Writing about myself was not really easy because to me, I AM ME. But nevertheless, I need you my fellow readers to know who the me is.

Who is ME?
I am Oluchukwu (the work of God). A native of Delta State, Nigeria. And yes, I am a girl. Oluchukwu is seventeen years old. She was born on the 31st of March, 2006. Yeah, my birthday is on the last day of March. Makes me feel unique in a way.

How did I get to know about Hive?
Well, I got to know about Hive Blockchain from a very close friend of mine @omokhafue. Anytime we were together and I peek into her phone while she's using it, I always saw her on this space. Curiosity got the better part of me as I pressured her into telling me about it. That's how I got interested in Hive. It feels so nice getting to find a community where I can share my ideas and at the same time learn. I also like the fact that I have the freedom to express myself here and share my hobbies with people to make them more useful and valuable. I'd like to thank @seki1 for patiently teaching me how to use this space. I was having issues registering but he helped me out. Thank you so much. This is my first post on Hive and I hope I can be consistent in writing on this platform.

IS SHE REALLY GOING TO END THIS HERE? (Hehe😂, I got you there) No, I am not.

THEN WHAT ARE THE HOBBIES I'LL SHARE? (I know that's the next question on your mind). Well, I'm a person who loves being in her space rather than special gatherings. I love reading novels a lot and watching movies. And when I say movies, I mean all genres of movies cause I feel every human should have a little knowledge when it comes to every matter. So yeah, I watch kdramas, action, fiction, sci-fi, Bollywood, Hollywood, anime and the likes. I also read comics for fun. I also love looking and being surrounded by nature.
DID I MENTION THAT I LOVE TAKING PICTURES? As a self-lover, whenever I am bored and have no access to my phone, I tend to dress up, look pretty and take pictures. Weird right? I know. It's just something that makes me feel good.

It kind of feels sad I'm ending this here as I already began to enjoy telling you about myself. I'm really looking forward to the time I'll spend in this community as I already have the feeling that it would be worthwhile. I'm excited to be here and I look forward to everything HIVE has to offer.

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