Look At You.


Look at you, comforting others with the words you desperately wish to hear
Friends making you strangers against your will
Yet they couldn't give you a tangible reason as to why
Look at you, clinging to the straws of hope you have left
Dashed by inconsiderate and uncaring individuals in your camp
Shutting the door and slamming it to your face
Look at you, a man once sought after, full of Grace
Your influence used to spread and now we can't find your trace
Life dealt you a big blow and friends fled on their race
You can't help but wonder at what point the world decided to go craze
Nothing makes sense about life sometimes, now you know
You won't always get the support you have given out
You won't always have the shoulder of those whom you freely gave yours to
You can't understand the mystery about life and that's okay
Life is not to be understood but to be lived
Living means going ahead with faith too
Not seeing the whole staircase but going step by step
Life means giving your best even when you don't get it back
It means giving support even when others are undeserving
It means dropping baggage at every turn and moving on
Never keep your life on hold due to someone's inability to see your worth
Dig deep inside, find another and allow your goodness to show forth
It can be challenging, so challenging but you will be fine
Staying true to who you are and being the best version of that
Because if others can change who you are based on how they act
It shows you have lost your identity and just like everyone else
It is never easy to shine when it is raining
Never easy to be broken inside and yet give comfort
Never an easy task to be in want yet keep giving out
There is a greater purpose higher than you, launch it

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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