Reintroducing a lost writer cover.png
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I picked up my laptop and I literally was just looking at the screen for close to 30 minutes straight, asking myself so many questions like;
  • What should I write?
  • Where do I start from?
  • Which community should I drop my post?
  • Do I still even know how to use the platform?
  • What exactly have I missed?
  • What are my chances of doing well like I did before my long break?

These types of questions were living freely in my head for minutes like they are actually paying rent ewwwww🙄. I definitely miss writing but honestly speaking for close to a year now, I don’t know how to find myself back, as much as I want to blame it all on how tasking my job has been on me, I’d be honest to say I have been a little scared of not succeeding again in it (as a writer). So, how best can I come back after such a long break from the platform? This is a question I ask myself, and here I am re-introducing myself to old folks that know me here and also to new folks that I look forward to knowing.

Before I continue with this introduction, I would love to give a big shout out to @cescajove, she made a post recently calling me out and that post was like a wake-up call for me. Before this post, I recall a time she messaged me on social media, then I recently left my country and newly started my new job. We talked about how tasking work has been for me and how I have been trying so hard to adapt to my new environment and how best to manage my time. I remembered telling her I will find time to drop a post or two on my Hive Blog, but too bad I just could not find the time to do it. Seeing her post some days back left me feeling guilty, because I never knew how much of an inspiration, I was to her (don’t tell her I said she’s the one that inspire me to make this post, I know you can keep a secret)đŸ€—. You guys can check out @cescajove’s lovely post HERE. Thank you so much @cescajove for always reaching out, I really appreciate, much love to you from the U-ROGA camp.

Image taken with my phone

So, who exactly is this lost writer who is trying to find his way back to the heart of his lovely readers? My name is Unweh-Robertson Oromena Godstime Adaloristewo (for short U-ROGA) [Please don’t try pronouncing the last name, so many folks have given me different versions of their pronunciation, just stick to U-ROGA okay?]😜. I am from Nigeria, currently residing in Bahrain. I am from the Southern part of Nigeria, Delta state to be more precise. I am opportune to have two native languages because my Father is an Isoko man and my Mother is an Itsekiri woman. I am a very straight forward person, some persons perceive me as an introvert and some perceive me as an extrovert. But to be honest, I just follow with whatever energy that is served at that particular moment. I don’t joke with my principles (sometimes I am told I am too principled)đŸ˜€. I am not one to please people and displease myself, I can only compromise when the situation demands me to do so.

Image taken with my phone

Professionally, I am a High School Mathematics Instructor (teacher), I have been doing this since I was in Nigeria, old readers should already know this, it’s not new to them. That information is mainly for the new readers đŸ€—. Also, I use to be an amazing pen and pencil artist. Yes, I said use to because it’s been a long time since I did that😞. My writing is not the only thing that has been on hold in my life all this while, my art has been waiting for me patiently and just like I have been inspired to go back to my writing, I will encourage myself to pick up my pen again. It’s really easy to move from one place to another, but it’s so difficult to get back to the life you are once familiar with. This is me fighting to get the life I once had, it has not been easy but I think I am getting there.

I never knew introducing myself can be this hardđŸ˜«, here I am asking myself what else is there to say about me? For folks that always meet me for the first time and ask me to tell them about myself, I might just make a pdf document of this post and always send to them each time I get that comment😜. DAMN! It isn’t easy talking about one’s self. Each time I type, I am looking at the number of words and I realised I have not even come close to what I want for my post. Once upon a time I can sit down and in less than 30 minutes I have come up with a thousand words, now you don’t want to know how long I was sitting before getting to this part of this post. I might just go for another one-year break if ideas about myself don’t pop up as soon as possible. Nope I am not leaving anytime soon, I needed this. I am relaxing while working on this post and it is one feeling I have been missing.

Image taken with my phone

Alright back to introducing myself. My interest are reading, movies, music, dancing and most importantly I am interested in living my life to the fullest. I am more of the rebel in my householdđŸ€€, I am the one child of my parents that you can’t force to do anything, I enjoy making my own mistakes and learning from them. Well, I also watch people make their mistakes and learn from them as well. Especially if I don’t like how, it turns out for them. Basically, all I am saying is I live my life for me, to please me and not because others feel it will be better, I live it a certain way.

I can be a very shy fellow when I want to be, and I can be very loud as well. I am big on respect for both young and old, very humble and proud in a cute way though😜. I am great at giving positive criticism and I love to be criticise as well, as long it’s done in a positive way. I don’t smoke and can’t stand the smell, hence I go to the club with spray sometimes in my pocket so I can keep the air around me fresh😎. I don’t drink a lot, that’s because I don’t joke with my health. I enjoy being in love and be loved as well. I love LOVE❀. I hate to be compared with anyone ewwwwww 😡, like who does that? I am a unique person, there is only me and there is only you, so don’t compare me and anyone. I love compliments, they light my heart, especially when it’s coming from a lady đŸ€—. Joke apart, I love folks that give compliment. Maybe because I enjoy giving compliments to others (sometimes it gets me in trouble, folks think I am flirting)😓.

Image taken with my phone

I am big on looks; I love looking smart at all times. I believe strongly in the statement, “Dress the way you want to be addressed”. Don’t get it twisted though, some looks can be deceiving. But hey, I just love to look smart. Did I mention I am right-handed (wait, does that even matter?)đŸ€·â€â™‚, well I love to put my wrist watch on my right arm (did you just went back to check my pictures if I actually wear my watch on the right? Oh wait! Now that you read the last statement you decided to go and check it, I got you, just continue reading)😂😂. It feels heavy anytime I try the left arm, so since I was a kid, it has always been wristwatches to the right for me. I like to see myself as an honest person, I try to say the truth always and I enjoy relevant conversations.

I am not all Mr. nice guy, I have made silly mistakes in my life and these mistakes did not keep me down, they make me better. In the world of writing, I made a silly mistake one time with this whole plagiarism stuff here on Hive and I got my ass wiped😭😭. I learned from it and I must say writing for more than a week without earning from any of the post build me, it made me better. So, I am not Mr. nice guy, correct me if I go wrong. I love to learn every day. To be honest, I love it when people evaluate me because I don’t want to limit my growth.

HmmmmmmđŸ˜„, at this point I saw how many words and I realise I have so many things to talk about myself. But I’d rather not make the read too long, digest this for now and another time I will share more of what has been happening in my life. I never imagined writing this much in this post but I guess one way or another we always find a way to just unlock ourselves from whatever is holding us back from doing whatever it is we love doing. I look forward to being more consistent, I am not saying I will post every day like I used to before, but I am promising I will try not to keep my readers waiting this long anymore. The Hive community gave me an opportunity to find a different part of myself.

So before I go, coming back to the platform I noticed I have some earnings from my last post from September 2021, and I have decided I will send it to @cescajove, it’s not that big though just some 20+ Hive. My little way of saying thank you to her for always reaching out to show love. Thank you dear.

Alright guys, thanks for stopping by and also spending so much time to read this post. If there is something you hope to read and could not find in the post, do well to ask in the comment section. If you love the post and feel others will love it as well, do well to re-blog the post. Remember to follow my blog so you don’t miss out whenever I drop something new (I will drop new stuffs and you don't want to miss it please). Do have a blissful day and thank you for reading.

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