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OCD community changes and community incubation announcement


Hey everyone! Some big announcements today in the spirit of improving communities, before we get to the changes some words on what we've done this far and the effects we've seen of our curation.

If you wanna dive right into the changes scroll down to the next header! The changes might be even more interesting if you are the owner of a niche and unique community looking for some curation to drive traffic to it!

OCD is one of the earliest communities which already started out during the beta phase. We are proud to have the biggest genuine subscriber count of any community out there and it's been a blast seeing all the diverse content being posted through us, curating what we liked and wanted to see more of and seeing a sort of "natural selection" evolution occurring. We believe communities are and will be a very powerful tool not only for content discovery but also to building strong and lasting relationships with more engagement and a stronger sense of a true community on Hive. This was a difficult decision for us to make as we've seen a lot of improvements of content over the last few months but for the greater good we believe this is the right step forward to help drive traffic through more communities and bring out the best of what this feature has to offer for our platform.

Actually I think I'm gonna cut it short here and spare you the details and cut right to the changes, feel free to ask in the comments if there's anything you're wondering about our decision.

Community Incubation

Moving forward we will be focusing curation less and less in our community: OCD and instead more on genre specific communities. We are looking forward to open partnerships with other community leaders who are looking for some extra curation and at the same time drive authors from ours to theirs if what they post belongs in that community. Currently we are assisting a few communities with this already and will be using even more of our voting power towards them. Some of these communities are: Hive Gaming, OnChainArt, Natural Medicine, Alien Art, The Ink Well, Photography Lovers and now also AskHive. We have already seen some of these evolve nicely with content and are happy to help them even more in the near future.

If you are someone who has a niche community you've recently started or are looking to start one, now would be a good time to do so, get in touch with us through our Discord and see how we can co-operate! Our immediate plans are to open up channels for each community leaders and their curators where they can nominate posts in their communities for curation.


One thing we are very proud of and happy to see so many actively using is our #posh initiatives where we encourage content creators to share their posts on Twitter to drive more traffic to our front-ends and more readers to their posts. We will attempt to encourage other community leaders to also make the most out of Proof of Sharing and reward those using it with bigger votes than what they would have received had they not shared it.

We are also looking forward to evolving these initiatives further with their own token or point system. With the ENGAGE token we had a simple distribution method through comments to engaging users and put some buy pressure on the market so the tokens had some value and along side it we are also planning on creating a POSH token in the near future while including other platforms to share your content on aside from Twitter. The POSH token will be distributed based on engagement on the other platforms as well on top of viewcounters on once/if they are made public. Needless to say this is still a bit off in the near future and if we get lucky we may even have SMT's waiting for us to maybe further advance token functionality and usecase!


Our initial plans with our community were for it to be a place where newcomers go to to share their posts and/or intro posts and get recommendations on which communities to join depending on their interests and post content. While onboarding and a tipping system is still a bit off reach we do plan on making the most out of it once it's here. We believe things will move a lot faster here on Hive now and are looking forward to that.

We will be updating our sidebar with the communities we will be focusing curation and encouraging posters to post in the genre specific communities instead.

Moving forward there will still be room in OCD for posts where authors are unsure if they belong to a community but we hope that won't be the case with more and more communities coming alive for any and all posts much like there's a subreddit for everything these days. One very good point someone very close to me also made is that communities might be something new users look at as soon as they join the platform and we all know that many don't like reading FAQ's so if we can help them get started and join the right communities than that's a good thing to focus on. Other than that we want to also get back to approaching and inviting content creators to our platform as there's so many out there who've yet to hear about it and realize the differences between the advantages we offer compared to the centralized giants that exist today who even by adding cryptocurrencies will never be as fair to content creators as we are (in my opinion).

Other than that I'm sure there's plenty of other things we'll think of that we can help on the platform such as getting back to curating other languages as well while we're growing our stake to be able to cover as many posts as possible!

If you have any questions feel free to ask here or contact us in our Discord server and feel free to let us know what you think about the announced changes. :)