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Is This A D**k Measuring Contest Or What?

A few days ago I did a post about the bag I created the week before. It's a simple but long, detailed post about how the project started, with work in progress photos. The post is 960 characters and it's original content 100%.


Not long after publishing the post, I got an upvote from a well known person we know from Steem, none other than haejin. Imagine my surprise when I saw the upvote. I've never had any interaction with him, but I know who he is, I know what has been going on between him and other Steem users.

After three days I got a downvote from @theycallnedan, a little over of what I got from haejin, plus the trail votes. Imagine my surprise again, getting a $3.5 downvote all of a sudden.

As far as I know I've done nothing wrong to deserve the downvote, so I started to Investigate.

I saw he's downvoting users on a regular bases, sometimes for no obvious reasons. I've seen a few downvoted posts that were really poor quality, but have also seen great posts that had nothing wrong to be downvoted for. Unfortunately I'm not at home and only have my phone with me, had to lend my laptop to my niece to be able to take an online exam, so I can't check many things, but I've seen others asking him why the downvotes. Obviously there's been no replies or explanations. I guess he is too big to reply to ordinary people.

I've been trying to figure out why I got the downvote and can think of two reasons.

  1. This is a beef with haejin, maybe he's downvoting everything haejin is upvoting to diminish his curation reward.

  2. He thought $6 is way too much for my post.

If the first case is true, then I'd say gentlemen take it outside and leave users alone. No one deserves to be be caught in the middle.

In case of the second scenario, I'd suggest he check out those shitposts that have a crappy selfie, with an ugly face no one is happy to see, upvoted to over $25, or other users that are abusing the reward pool, just because they are early adopters and can afford to do it.

This is disappointing and discouraging in the same time. No one should abuse their power or the downvote tool. Just because one has a lot of hp staked, that doesn't mean they can do whatever they want.

Care to answer @theycallnedan? Will I get more downvotes for having the courage to speak up? Will you be checking the early adopters and downvote them too, to stop abusing the reward pool or just the small fish like me?