#storytime about my time in Hospital

hopefully not going back


Yesterday was the second time I went to hospital in this month, first days of April I stayed for like 4 days, after almost pass away in the streets or at home, feeling weak as hell, not being able to breath properly and in pain, so they found out I had blood leves 3.4 (anemia) a bacteria and an Ulcer 🤡

Got blood transfusion, lot of medications, and tons tons but tons of liquids that I started having retention of liquids once I was back home (what a ugly thing) got an endoscopy and biopsia for the ulcer


Thanks GOD nothing dangerous and Doctors discover on time, small problems that can cause me big diseases in the future if I don’t take good care of me, but now I have a huge bill to pay 🤒

Things like this just make me appreciate life more, before it I was feeling concerned about not essential things and careless about what God has been Giving to me, from where I was to where I am now, I wasn’t being grateful at all, I can’t lie about while I am growing up as person I let myself get involved and care more about things that aren’t that important than others such as being grateful for having health or a home or food, I was always focusing in the wrong things and taking the wrong decisions even having the wrong thoughts

Anyways let’s be more grateful for the simple things we have in our life and don’t rush ourselves too much ❤️ everything comes in the right time if we are doing the right thing


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