A memory from my primary school days


I remember several years back when I was in primary 4, it was a private primary school,(FC staff school precisely) apparently, there are many pupils in the class.

There was this girl named Jane, I can never forget her name in this life and hereafter. She has a bigger stature, and yes she was a year older.

Several times, she torments everyone with her big stature and a voice thicker than her age. Unlike people like me with tiny voice and body that can be swayed off by small breeze.

I have never been a good fighter, but I had this very sharp tongue, I give it hot hot.

(Moral: if you can't fight, learn to work out your way).

One day like that, we were in class, she said I should teach her one class work, I refused, I asked her where she kept her brain when the teacher was explaining.

She threatened to beat me up later after school if I don't teach her, I was scared, but I told her "you can't do anything to me".

(Moral: never show your opponent you're scared).

When class ended, I waited till she had gone, I never knew this nonsense girl with animal bone was lurking around.

I was walking home, suddenly I felt someone drag me by my collar, it was Jane
She started spitting trash.

In a nutshell,Jane beat me up, all my trial to beat her back only earned me more beatings.

Later, some elders came to separate us. Rubbish people, where were they when she started?

(Moral: don't be an unfortunate elder, when you see two kids fighting, separate them asap, before the stronger one kill the weaker vessel).


After that day, I started planning my revenge, I watched kung fu movies and wrestling. I practised with my neighbours' children. I learnt how to keep blade in between the fingers and strike it against my opponent's face. I also learnt how to pour sand on my opponent's face, fall down the target, mount the target and stuck sand in the target's mouth.

I learnt so many tactics, and I was certain I would beat her up.

(Moral: if you put your mind at it, you can achieve it).

I informed my friends, we all planned to beat her together so that she will stop tormenting us. Enough was enough!

After school when all was set, I and my friends left the class early to waylay Jane, we were raging. I tell you, there is nothing sweeter than team work. The energy was there.

(Moral: team work brings better result).

We saw Jane coming alone as usual, she was a one man gang. We were happy, I was the ring leader, so at my order, we charged towards our victim like a wounded lion.

I walked up to her and stood on her way, my eyes showed so much anger. I remembered all she did to me just because I refused to teach her. Then I said, now I will do my own back, I will beat you up times two of what you did to me, you this dull brain!"

(Moral: be bold and face your fears).

She looked at me and laughed. I was boiling, I raised the hand I placed blade between and aimed to strike her face, but she was fast enough to grab my hand. She began to twist my flexible hand.

I applied my kung fu skills and kicked her leg so hard, it got to her, so she released my hand. I was happy.

(Moral: never give up no matter how tough the beginning appears)

I bent down to pack enough sand for her eyes, before I could gather the sand, Jane used my collar to pull me up, she blew air on her palm, and twaaaiiiiii!!!!! It landed on my cheek.

The slap was so hot I turned 360 degree. As I was turning, I realized my friends had all ran back, and they were watching the show.

(Moral: never trust humans, everyman for himself).

I didn't know when I started crying for my mummy.

In summary, Jane gave me times two of the beating I received the first time.

Worst of all, I couldn't report at home.

Calm down, it's a FICTION šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹
As In lies from the pit of hellfire


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