DIY children's New Year's photo zone

Hello everyone! I am a photographer from Belarus and I also make decorations for my photographs. Initially, I did not plan to be engaged in New Year's shooting this year, since due to the upcoming exams at the university I did not have time. Still, I was able to do something. I'm not sure if I will have time to shoot a lot of people in December and January, but I tried to make decorations that I can use all this winter, not only for Christmas, and they will serve me the same way next year.
This post is a continuation of my previous post in which I talked about how I sewed the Scandinavian gnomes.

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I decided not to put up an ordinary Christmas tree, but to make something narrow, since the space is limited and I wanted something more interesting.
The first was such a wooden tree, which I painted white and glued the Christmas balls with hot glue.
I attached a garland to the finished Christmas tree.
Then I made 2 Christmas trees to match the gnomes. One in pink and one in gray.
Inside the Christmas trees there is a frame made of metal wire and foam rubber.
I needed a small bench. I have long wanted to make this bench.
Later I also painted the bench completely white.
Then I made 2 clouds.
I cut a 6-liter bottle into 2 parts and pasted over the outside with a sintepon.
I glued cardboard to the cut side and put a garland inside.
I put the wire from the frame into a thin plastic pipe and filled the pipe with gips in ordinary plastic yogurt slides.

I will remove these pots later and decorate the plaster of Paris with something pretty.
I had enough pink fabric for another small Christmas tree. And all the decorations are now ready!
See you!

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