Paddy (Oryza sativa.L) and processing


Rice or known as (Latin: Oryza sativa. L) is a type of cultivation plant that is very important in some areas such as Asia where in general the main consumption of the community is rice / rice, rice comes from grains of rice that have been processed using machines to produce rice. remove the rice husk from its contents, namely rice.



After the process of separating the skin it will become rice so that people who consume it can directly cook it, after going through several stages then it becomes public consumption, generally people in Asia consume rice as their basic need.


Rice contains a lot of carbohydrates and is very beneficial for the human body because carbohydrates can provide energy to humans so it really helps humans in daily activities, consuming too much rice is also not good for the body because it contains a lot of glucose or sugar levels.

Many people only know rice / rice but do not know the process and where it comes from, rice comes from rice that is cultivated by farmers, like farmers in my area generally they plant rice as a cultivated plant, rice has its own growing conditions and rice is also divided There are two kinds of places to grow, there is rice that is planted in wet land (paddy fields) there is also rice that is planted in dry land.





Rice can usually be harvested when the rice is 120 (one hundred and twenty) days from the age of the nursery, the process is:

•the process of plowing the land. •Make a nursery. •Sowing seeds. •Land preparation for planting. •seed transfer •fertilization and spraying. •Treatment. •Harvesting process.

After that, the rice is dried in the sun and processed by machines to produce rice, which is marketed in the market for people's staple consumption.

So, here is my little explanation about the process of planting, caring, and processing rice so that it becomes rice for public consumption, which is generally in Asia.


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