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Virus Corona

Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. The disease due to this viral infection is called COVID-19. The Corona virus can cause minor disorders of the respiratory system, severe lung infections, and death. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), better known as the Corona virus, is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can attack anyone, such as the elderly (elderly), adults, children and babies, including pregnant women and nursing


Corona virus infection is called COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. This virus is spreading very quickly and has spread to almost all countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months. This has led several countries to implement policies to impose lockdowns in order to prevent the spread of the Corona virus. In Indonesia itself, a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy was implemented to suppress the spread of this virus. Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the respiratory system. In many cases, this virus only causes mild respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as lung infections (pneumonia).
This virus is transmitted through sputum droplets from the respiratory tract, for example when in a crowded closed room with poor air circulation or direct contact with droplets. Apart from the SARS-CoV-2 virus or Corona virus, viruses that are also included in this group are the viruses that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and the viruses that cause Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Even though it is caused by a virus from the same group, namely the coronavirus, COVID-19 has several differences from SARS and MERS, including in terms of the speed of spread and the severity of symptoms. If you need a COVID-19 check, click the link below so you can be directed to the nearest health facility: Antibody Rapid Test, Swab Antigen (Rapid Antigen Test) PCR Death Rate Due to Corona Virus (COVID-19) The Corona virus that causes COVID-19 can attack anyone. According to data released by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 of the Republic of Indonesia, the number of confirmed positive cases until March 25, 2021 is 1,476,452 people with a death toll of 39,983 people. The case fatality rate due to COVID-19 is around 2.7%.When viewed from the percentage of mortality rates divided by age group, the 46-59 year age group has a higher percentage of mortality than other age groups. Meanwhile, based on gender, 57.1% of sufferers who died from COVID-19 were male and 42.9% were women. Symptoms of Corona Virus (COVID-19) Early symptoms of Corona virus infection or COVID-19 can resemble flu symptoms, namely fever, runny nose, dry cough, sore throat, and headache. After that, the symptoms may disappear and heal or even get worse. Patients with severe symptoms can experience high fever, cough with phlegm and even bleeding, shortness of breath, and chest pain. These symptoms appear when the body reacts against the Corona virus. In general, there are 3 general symptoms that can indicate a person is infected with the Corona virus, namely: Fever (body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius) Dry cough and shortness of breath There are several other symptoms that can also appear in Corona virus infection, although they are less common, namely:Diarrhea Headaches Conjunctivitis Loss of taste ability Loss of ability to smell (anosmia) Rashes on the skin These symptoms of COVID-19 generally appear within 2 days to 2 weeks after the patient is exposed to the Corona virus. Some patients infected with the Corona virus can experience decreased oxygen without any symptoms. This condition is called happy hypoxia. In order to ascertain whether these symptoms are symptoms of the Corona virus, a rapid test or PCR is needed. To find a place to do a rapid test or PCR near your home, click here. When to see a doctor Immediately carry out independent isolation if you experience symptoms of Corona virus infection (COVID-19) as mentioned above, especially if in the last 2 weeks you have been in an area that has a COVID-19 case or has had contact with a person with COVID-19. After that, call the COVID-19 hotline at 119 Ext. 9 for further guidance. If you may be exposed to the Corona virus but don't experience any symptoms, you don't need to go to the hospital, just stay at home for 14 days and limit contact with other people. If symptoms appear, then do self-isolation and ask the doctor by telephone or the application about what actions you need to take and what drugs you need to take. If you need a direct examination by a doctor, do not go directly to the hospital because that will increase your risk of contracting or transmitting the Corona virus to other people. You can make a consultation appointment with a doctor at the hospital viaCauses of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Corona virus infection or COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus, which is a group of viruses that infect the respiratory system. In most cases, coronavirus causes only mild to moderate respiratory infections, such as the flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). There are allegations that the Corona virus was originally transmitted from animals to humans. However, it was later discovered that the Corona virus was also transmitted from human to human. A person can catch COVID-19 in various ways, namely: Accidentally inhaling the droplets that come out when a person with COVID-19 coughs or sneezes Holds mouth or nose without washing hands first after touching an object that has been splashed with the saliva of a person with COVID-19 Close contact with a person with COVID-19 The Corona virus can infect anyone, but the effect will be more dangerous or even fatal if it occurs in elderly people, pregnant women, people who have certain diseases, smokers, or people whose immune systems are weak, for example in cancer patients. Because it is easily transmitted, the Corona virus is also at high risk of infecting medical personnel who treat COVID-19 patients. Therefore, medical personnel and people who have had contact with COVID-19 patients need to use personal protective equipment (PPE). Diagnosis of Corona Virus (COVID-19) To determine whether a patient is infected with the Corona virus, the doctor will ask about the symptoms experienced by the patient and whether the patient has recently traveled or lives in an area that has a case of Corona virus infection before symptoms appear. The doctor will also ask if the patient has had contact with people who have or are suspected of having COVID-19. To confirm a diagnosis of COVID-19, the doctor will perform the following tests: Rapid test to detect antibodies (IgM and IgG) produced by the body to fight the CoronaSwab virus or PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests to detect the Corona virus in sputum CT scans or chest X-rays to detect infiltrates or fluid in the lungs In addition, tests using the GeNose tool can also be used as a screening or initial examination to detect the Corona virus. A positive COVID-19 test result or a positive GeNose test most likely indicates that you are already infected with the Corona virus, but it could also mean that you are infected with other germs or viruses. Conversely, a negative COVID-19 rapid test result does not necessarily indicate that you are absolutely free from the Corona virus.Causes of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Corona virus infection or COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus, which is a group of viruses that infect the respiratory system. In most cases, coronavirus causes only mild to moderate respiratory infections, such as the flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). There are allegations that the Corona virus was originally transmitted from animals to humans. However, it was later discovered that the Corona virus was also transmitted from human to human. A person can catch COVID-19 in various ways, namely: Accidentally inhaling the droplets that come out when a person with COVID-19 coughs or sneezes Holds mouth or nose without washing hands first after touching an object that has been splashed with the saliva of a person with COVID-19 Close contact with a person with COVID-19 The Corona virus can infect anyone, but the effect will be more dangerous or even fatal if it occurs in elderly people, pregnant women, people who have certain diseases, smokers, or people whose immune systems are weak, for example in cancer patients. Because it is easily transmitted, the Corona virus is also at high risk of infecting medical personnel who treat COVID-19 patients. Therefore, medical personnel and people who have had contact with COVID-19 patients need to use personal protective equipment (PPE). Diagnosis of Corona Virus (COVID-19) To determine whether a patient is infected with the Corona virus, the doctor will ask about the symptoms experienced by the patient and whether the patient has recently traveled or lives in an area that has a case of Corona virus infection before symptoms appear. The doctor will also ask if the patient has had contact with people who have or are suspected of having COVID-19. To confirm a diagnosis of COVID-19, the doctor will perform the following tests: Rapid test to detect antibodies (IgM and IgG) produced by the body to fight the CoronaSwab virus or PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests to detect the Corona virus in sputum CT scans or chest X-rays to detect infiltrates or fluid in the lungs In addition, tests using the GeNose tool can also be used as a screening or initial examination to detect the Corona virus. A positive COVID-19 test result or a positive GeNose test most likely indicates that you are already infected with the Corona virus, but it could also mean that you are infected with other germs or viruses. Conversely, a negative COVID-19 rapid test result does not necessarily indicate that you are absolutely free from the Corona virus. or hospital. Consult with your doctor about the best action that needs to be done.
