
unsplash by Ian Espinosa

All of us wanted something real or the truth. We are all human and as we are born in this world and we know something. We begin to explore what makes us really happy. Not just normal happiness, as you will just laugh or comfortable. That's not the truth because after it when you will be alone. You can feel again the feeling of being alone and being sad.

When we were just kids we didn't yet understand who are the real friends. What's important for us to have friends and to have fun. We fight for stupid reasons and then back together as friends for stupid reasons. It's so funny when we thought that having many friends made us happy. That's how kids think though.

We never know what we were feeling at that time. We have no idea if it's real or not. We never asked ourselves if that kind of feeling is the one we seek. All of us thought that as a kid, it's better not to think about many things and just have fun.

unsplash by Daria Tumanova

The teenage years have come to ourselves but we were still attached from the feeling when we were just kid. Although it mixed because of our wants in life changes. We're not just thinking about to play just to have fun. All we could think that we want to spend time with friends doing arrogant things. Just like showing up about who we are and what we are. We started to think that other people who surround us should notice your worth.

The friendship became vague because of insecurities. A lot of questions for one another and a lot of comparing began to show. Then the jealousy of one another exists because it came to our mind, "unfair."

"How does a person have that when he/she almost have everything." We often asked that because it's true that the world seems unfair. "How can he/she so smart when she's rich and pretty. Why I don't have that when even once I have nothing." We keep on asking because we envy them for that kind of lifestyle they have.

"There are those people who really feel desperate because they really want to have that something but they can't have it. They're doing everything but still far from happening. Why not just being fair for God's sake. Why there are those who suffer and there are those who always enjoy the fruitful life."


unsplash by Victor Rodriguez

That is why this world is so messy. Too many misunderstanding in life. Even at a younger age, a child could tell that it's already unfair. Why that kid has that too many toys and why I don't have. At a very young age, we exposed already how cruel the world. I know it, I know that feeling because I was born poor.

I wasn't just jealous of how life is unfair to me because I've seen already how my parents work hard in order to feed us. That reason enough made me different from other kids. I never asked my parents to have that because I saw them crying when they had no idea where to find food anymore. I was just being unique in that way. I could tell already that "yeah, life is unfair."

When we get older it's about competing for each other. We are aware that only good action will be noticed. That's why as an adult full of stress. They're forgetting the beauty of life because if they won't work hard, they won't have what they wanted. Unlike those blessed, they won't do that much but it doesn't matter because they have everything anyway.

Whose not working hard to live the life they wanted? The only fool thinks that way because even a child can understand. The world is unfair maybe but if you'll narrow you're thinking you won't think it that way. Instead, you will just enjoy it and challenge it. Yes, we got mad sometimes because it's really hard to achieve it. But we understood already that we need to work hard because sometimes life is unfair.

thank you for reading..

d' dreamboy,


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