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Defining a balanced life. A difference between Living and Existing.

Hello Hive

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Its a beautiful new day and such a wonderful time that we are grateful to be up and well to begin and live the best of our life.

This might be probably new to most of us, and even myself when I was introduced to a value of life I had often cared less about.

We can't afford to live carelessly without a direction, aims, goals and dreams we set to achieve.

I used to be a ardent reader but I lost it
I used to be a singer but lost it.
I used to be a teacher and had once impacted knowledge but also lost it.

Wondering away from all of these made me live carelessly and giving priority to the least things that never gave me fulfilment.


I only exist, and was not living life

If we only exist,living in our shell not been sociable or having anything to offer our world, the sooner we die the sinner we get forgotten

Seek to live a life that will make you be remembered for a hundred years

These are some of the thoughts and words I learnt yesterday.

Living a balanced life requires that everyday one seeks knowledge, wisdom, learn and unlearn new things and hence teach and pass on the good lessons learnt.

These and many more I was taught yesterday by a friend who took me through a counselling path to help me retrace my steps, to live a balanced life and find fulfment giving back to my society who awaits my manifestation and expect me to touch live one way or another.

I lost it all, but its never to late to find my way back.