

I'm so excited to be here, considering the fact that I have an opportunity to express my thoughts, feelings, and views in words that travel across the globe. I'm sincerely grateful to a very good friend of mine @kilvnrex who onboarded me into this platform and also has my back in everything that will yield positive results in my life.

My name is Israel Miracle, I'm known and recognized as Mira by my friends. I'm from Ebonyi state, Nigeria. I'm currently a student and a growing copywriter who still want to explore the technological world😊... I might sound ambitious but I know where I want to be in the couple of years and I'll get there.

The majority of my writings are based on life experiences so that makes me more of a non-financial writer and storyteller. Okay, and before I discovered I could write, I had a not-so-good past... it was a complicated and tragic experience for me, so in between those experiences, I would write what I was going through codes(not too understandable English). While you read through, you'll know I'm in pain but can't understand the kind of pain I was going through. Over time, when I got past my past, I wanted to start penning down meaningful things but I couldn't because I was SCARED. The fear of writing something worthy of ink clouded my mind, It was one of the greatest battles I fought between myself. Although I overcame it when I expressed myself to a friend and he told me to write anything at all, no matter what it was, yeah it sounds funny but over time when I started writing the rubbish I thought in my mind, it became clear that they were not rubbish. There were hidden thoughts I couldn't let out while talking and now it provokes impact

Aside from being a writer, I'm a family person. I'm the first child amongst five children. I'm also a mental health and self-development coach, and like I stated earlier certain of my stories entail life experiences and challenges and how to step out of them better than you were.

I'm a Christian(I don't condone religious sentiments). I believe everyone has something to offer no matter our differences and also our differences are what makes us unique ❣️

I love God first of all. I love reading and writing in coded languages. I love adventure a whole lot, so it leads me to love new ideas and valuable content

I'm a simple going person though I don't have many friends in my inner circle but typically relate with almost everybody that comes my way... I love relationships being cool, classic, and simple
My inner circle are the best not because they are perfect or without flaws, NO, they are the best because they sort my growth, they brought me out of my depressed moments, they taught me how to love via the way they express their love to me, they taught me through their gestures, manner, and altitude that the best way to love a person is not just in words but the acts, they made me see my self-worth. Right now I know my self-worth and trust me when I say I'm PRICELESS ❣️... My entire life and approach to life have changed because of my inner circle, I love them so much ❣️

It will be a great pleasure if I could connect with like minds here, people I can learn from, this is what I look out for as a newbie... I'm purposefully driven and so I'm keen to self-development. I hope we work together

Thank you for having me ❣️

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