Missed opportunities...same mistakes...


It can't just be me...can it?

I keep thinking of those countless times I tried to persuade some of my family members, friends, even my colleagues to join the Steem Network. I miserably failed....every single time...

All they had to do is to say "Fuck yeah...let's try it!"

Yet nobody, literally nobody seemed to be excited about it as I was desperately trying to explain all those little details that nobody took the time to explain to me...

That was my mistake when during my first attempts. Later on as I had learned my lesson my approach was something between the lines of:

"Just give it a shot...you'll expand your social network while doing what you've already been doing on FB all those years...nothing more and nothing less. How hard can it be? Plus you will earn some coins that have real life value and can be exchanged for $$$ or EURO if you want to."

Dead end...once again. You wouldn't believe how many times I've had these type of discussions...If 1/10 of those I've talked to about Steem joined this place...oh boy.

Narrow minded people...nobody ever achieved greatness with a 9 - 5 shitty job...

Greatness...powerful word eh?

My definition of greatness isn't what most of you might have in mind. I ain't talking about building fabulous wealth for one's self, although I wouldn't mind living a bit more comfortably than I currently do.

I am talking about a sort of financial freedom so that I can travel and meet the world. A means to have freedom of time...and not be another modern slave.

I am talking about the fulfillment of little dreams...here and there, which seem to be so close and yet...so far away...

I am talking about having the clarity and the peace of mind to use your energy towards building something for a good cause that could be useful to a person next to you...it doesn't have to be glorious...small touches.

Not some luxury house and a fancy car...

And if all the above could be achieved through Steem, then it would be a blessing.

Routine is the worst kind of disease...don't let it kill your dreams. I see it every day...dead people who think they are alive...

On the 25th of November 2019 STEEM bottomed out. Almost 40 days later it is priced 2x.

Every Satoshi it climbs feels like a stub in the heart..Really. Wanna know why? Because I didn't have the time, nor the necessary funds to buy some more.

We used to say to each other that STEEM at 10 cents / 12 cents / 14 cents is a steal. And it was...

But just like most of you, I chose the hard way. Showing up every day, trying to produce something that has value and in rare cases even motivate some you. Daily grinding...

No regrets...I would choose the same path and would walk the same walk if I had to do it all over again.

Such a shame...for the blindfolded ones...

Have a great one ya all!
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