Introductory Post

An introductory post Simply describes oneself for you to be known to people on the platform for a successful stay as well. With that, I deem it a privilege to write and share with you all my self-introduction posts below here in this article.
You might be wondering who introduced me, yeah I've been greatly inspired by at @abu78 and have made up my mind to start this write up.

My name is Amina A 21 year old girl who comes from a big family of 5 children. I have 4 siblings that I grew up with, which taught me the values of sharing, patience, and cooperation from an early age. My educational journey began at North-Eastern Christan Academy, where I attended both primary school and junior high. This provided me with a strong academic foundation. In 2016, I progressed to T.I Ahamdiyya Senior High for my senior secondary education,this expanded my horizons and prepared me for higher education. Currently, I am proudly studying BSc Computer Science at the prestigious University of Development Studies. This field aligns with my logical way of thinking and problem-solving. I find the computational aspect engaging and stimulating.

My goal is to graduate with strong technical abilities, so I can launch a successful career in IT or web design. The knowledge and qualifications I gain will enable me to contribute to technological advancement in Ghana. Away from academics, I enjoy being indoors, immersing myself in books, movies, games, and my own thoughts. I am an introvert at heart and need time alone to recharge my social battery. That said, I also appreciate the company of my close friends. We have known each other for years and share a sisterly bond. When we get together, we laugh nonstop about inside jokes and our experiences growing up. It is a chance to relax and build memories. My hobbies include reading, watching movies, and gaming. I am constantly borrowing new fiction and non-fiction books to nourish my mind and imagination. Nothing makes me happier than losing myself in a compelling story. When I am not reading, I am likely streaming movies and following plotlines on the edge of my seat. I also enjoy gaming on my laptop as a way to challenge myself and unwind. The strategy and skill involved provide mental stimulation. I have come to learn to be mindful of the words I say to people. On days when I’m not inspired , I gain inspiration from this quote ‘Learn to fail and you will rise from your failures’. This might not really be what you expect for an inspirational quote but it gets me going.

In summary, I am a driven student furthering my education, while staying connected to my faith and loved ones. I am thoughtful and introspective, but still make time for fun with friends. My hobbies of reading, watching movies and gaming allow me to immerse myself in other worlds. I am proud of my journey so far and look forward to all that the future holds.

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