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ANZAC Day Dawn Service


This Morning was ANZAC Day which stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps Day. A day that we reflect and commemorate those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. Today was also quite a significant day as it was also the 60th anniversary of the battle of Kapyong in which the Canadians joined the ANZACs along side a company of US Mortars to suppress Chinese advancement into South Korea.


At this mornings ceremony the Canadian flag was raised and flown alongside the Australian and New Zealand flags to commemorate the battle and honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Much protest broke out leading up to this year's event as last year due to COVID all events were cancelled. It was looking like this year the same would occur but due to Australia's low levels to non existing levels of COVID many defied directives to ensure a service was provided.


Crowds gathered along Lake Caroline where the ANZAC memorial shines bright as an ever lasting reminder of those who had come before and those who we owe our thanks to. A few thousand people lined the shore to pay their respects led by the local Scouts group. A prayer was given and the Ode was read followed by the last post played on the bugal.


Joined by current and retired Australian service men and women we paid our respects and honoured their service. The service is held at dawn as it is the time when the ANZACs landed in Gallipoli and commenced their assault which was organised and advocated for by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. It was a failed mission as the ANZACs were out gunned and out manned but defined the Australian nation.


From there we travelled a few kilometres to Melton's CBD to the Cenotaph where we were joined with our communities oldest Vetran, retired service personnel and currently serving.


We prayed and gave a moments silence to remember and pay our respects.


Our communities former and current defence personal formed a line and we applauded their sacrifice and thanked them for their duty. I thought came by me, how many people would walk past these hero's on a daily basis, live next door to these hero's and don't know what they have given for our freedom.


An official wreath laying by the current city elected officials was conducted and I was proud to see my wife amongst them. We both have relatives who fought in the wars. My great grandfather never returned from the war fighting against Nazi's (a different war date) My partners grandfather and great grandfather were armed forces and fought to defend our nation. This moment would have been especially important to her.


The image above is my most prized, 3 generations in one photo. A grandfather who fought and is now retired, a father who is currently serving and a son in which will serve in the future. A powerful image, all 3 know the sacrifice needed to defend our nation and all three provide us with freedom. Thank you for such a selfless act.


Our cities state parliamentarian joined in laying a wreath and spoke at the event providing great words of support and encouragement. It's a pretty powerful event and service. One where all people from across the political divide, race, culture, beliefs, religions come together in a united stance to honour those who gave us this life.


Despite the risk of COVID there was something powerful in the amount of people that came out to show their respect and pay tribute to those who died for our freedom. We are forever indebted to the service personal who made the ultimate sacrifice in order to provide us with a world of freedom.


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them


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