My Introduction and Journey of Life.

I'm new here.. My name is maryene. I like it when I am been enny. I am a native of Benue state, in Otukpo local government. Nigeria. I am from a family of 11, 4 girls and 7 boys. And the first daughter and third child of my family.

Already you know I have 8 siblings behind me๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿซฃ. I grew up in the military barrack as my dad was a soldier, that's where he gave birth to all of his children. I am 35 years old and permit me HIVE COMMUNITY as I take you into the journey of my introduction to a single mom.

I grew up in a barrack that comprised of different languages and caliber. You can hardly pick up an accent in the barrack. I became a tough skin due to the way my father handled his children. No fear and attitude, you can not threaten a barrack child ๐Ÿ˜ƒthe barracks have their own way of life from the outside vicinity. It's difficult to speak your language while staying in the barracks because of different languages ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Life in the barrack could be fun and at the same time, it could be tough. At the age of 18, I was done with O level and got admission into the university where I was supposed to study science laboratory but something came up along the way... My introduction comes with a lot of experience that I will be sharing with HIVE

I was so excited at my 19-year-old that I got admitted into the university. I was so excited that I can now experience another part of life aside from staying in the barrack all my life๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Unfortunately my joy was cut shot from the 2nd month of my stay at the University ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Love is a beautiful thing that everyone is entitled to have in their lives. My case was different. I got pregnant after 3weeks I was disvirgin by my first lover I met in the university. My parent was disappointed in me and that lead me into dropping out from school.

At 18, I was ballsy, bold and grown up and so โ€“ in the prideful foolishness of my decent look. It wasn't easy as I tried in keep the pregnancy of my teenagers age.. I wasn't comfortable living with my parent ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ง. My mother was ashamed that her first daughter was pregnant. Her young, unmarried, "from a Christian home" daughter was pregnant. She was ashamed as if it was her fault. As a Christian, I had to stand by my conviction that abortion is wrong, so it would not be an option. So im having a ๐Ÿ‘ถ

Despite the challenges I went back to school.

Though After 3years,Deciding to return to college after dropping out poses more challenges.

Attending college once more as an adult means itโ€™s very much likely that I will have a handful of duties and responsibilities to diligently take on at home and in the workplace and elsewhere in between.
While working on my college degree, l have to commit to my studies as well as taking care of my child
Itโ€™s due to this reason, I have to strategize and create a solid plan on how l will attain a balance between my personal life and career while at the same time doing everything that I can do to successfully complete my undergraduate degree program.Without a workable blueprint, i might find yourself dropping out of college all over again. So I got involved into modeling. I tried all I could to take modeling as a paying job for me as a student, but it was not as I thought because working with the right agency and manager would have helped me build up my career and then get more exposure and finding more amazing opportunities. But how do I find the right one๐Ÿ˜Ÿ.. I noticed that it will take a long time to start getting paid, and so I quit and look for another thing to do

Acting is what i do everyday at home, school and a lot more. Acting movie is fun and a easy thing for me, going to audition countless times to get good roles and also get connected to producers and directors.. Unfortunately that's was not for me as most of the directors are Hi not willing to give me a role I merit according to my performance, the are looking for ways to take me to bed, so I stepped down from the movie industry .. What next for me๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

Given up is not an option for me as a single mother.. I had to go into selling of footwear and her painting job in order for me to pay my school fee and my daughter need. Due to this process, I was able to see myself through the university. All thanks to my parent who were the one looking after my daughter as I go down the street to hustle.

It's fun to share my experience with HIVE community about my experience in the university, let's me talk about my hang out with my friends in the college. Taking selfies is a great way to preserve memories of your friendship . They are a lot of memories I can hardly forget about my friends. Though some have traveled outside the country and some are in another state doing well and I lost one of my friend in a motor accident but the memories we shared are never forgetting. I could remember the places we went together to have fun like the Karaoki night out, we visited the amusement park, we went on wine tasting, shopping together and lots more.. In order to keep the relationship healthy, we visit each an everyone of us favorite place to hangout and that kept us going until we graduated from the college

Let's me talk about my likes and dislike

Every person have their likes and dislikes as a human being. I will be specifically pointing out 5 things I dislike the most.

being judged for once choice

interference in personal space

disgusting odors๐Ÿ˜ .

I dislike audience members who talk rubbish throughout the movie when I'm seeming a movie at the theater

I disliked been caught when I'm watching porn๐Ÿซฃ

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My likes are simple and that's what makes me different.
I like random act of kindness I like listening to cool music ๐ŸŽถ. Especially when I'm trouble and I go into my quite time and play the gospel music and immediately my spirit are lifted high. I love using my hands to wash my dress than using the washing machine I clean and organized my room because I love clean environment โ™ป๏ธ

I'm excited to be privilege to be part of the HIVE community, I'm happy to share my journey of life experiences with you all. A big thank you goes to @treasuree who introduced me into this platform. Sharing my experience of life with HIVE has made me to remember lots of memories of my college days. And a big thank you to those who will be reading through my post, I want to say thank you and remain blessed

All images used here are mine except stated otherwise

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