Why we might have gotten it all wrong.....The ultimate in optimistic outlooks...

Now bear with me here, this would make John Lennon's 'imagine' song, a little aggressive in it's tone....

Imagine (can't think of a more apt adjective-or verb, come to think of it..).

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Oh, and before I begin... you can blame @frot for this, he forced me to do this!

Okay..... here goes all my credibility that I didn't have in the first place...

Imagine everything we think is totally in the inverse?

Imagine if the freemasons were a benevolent force, acting in good faith, for humanity itself.
Imagine if the vatican was doing the same thing.
And the central banks.

IMAGINE (even Karl Marx was doing his bit here), if all the turmoil that we see now - is a necessary part of the process to a ONE WORLD ZERO GOVERNMENT?

Think about it (it takes some thinking)....

Marxy himself said capitalism and democracy, was a necessary stage towards this Utopian communist world.

A global revolt against the powers that be have no right being in existence - is now possible.

Through technological advances.

THIS possibility has never been on the table - due to said lack of technology.
A revolution in one country or another doesn't usher in a new world order - it just creates chaos in a small part of the globe.

No, for it to be a global revolution it has to be, well , ...global.

We need the push (covid, gates, the technocrats), to make a push back.

Maybe we are now at 'the stage'.

A stage only made possible through the apparent 'evil' of technocracy, the vatican, the freemasons, et al.

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But maybe THEY themselves engineered the necessary environment for this to happen from good intent...
i.e It couldn't have happened unless these things were put into place first.

MAYBE, we needed all this to be engineered, by individuals with benevolent intent,(hard to see, I know) for 'the tree to bear fruit'.

Imagine this.....

One world zero government, where area's bid for populations to come and inhabit them. (say, offering some low necessary tax- voluntary - for good infrastructure services - just an example entirely off the top of my head, I'm winging all this..)

Imagine a place where the only 'area' (country) had conflicts, were decided by if the free movements of populations - if wanted to stay in that area or not? (and always free to go elsewhere, anywhere they wish, anywhere around the globe).

Imagine if each 'country' had it's own independent bank, with its own, easily interchangeable currency, (crypto's?)

No taxes, all tariffs, to raise revenue for that 'area'.
If people didn't like it/commerce wasnt good, just decide another option.

Okay okay, my 'optimistic outlook' can only keep going on for so long.

I'm all 'optmized out'.llll.JPG

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