My Introductory Post

My name is Lucy, it's okay to call me Lucia, lots of persons call me that,both mean same thing, so I don't mind😊, I'm a Nigerian, precisely from the South Eastern part of Nigeria, a student in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, studying Electronics and Computer Engineering and resides in warri, Delta state.


I'm a girl, passionate about lots of things, let's talk about a few for now.
I love to surf the internet. phew!
I hate being outdated, it sucks for me, I want to be that person that gives you top and recent news about happenings, I want to be that girl that gives you sites to check when looking for something meaningful, I want to be that sweet girl that knows something about everything, so I enjoy surfing the net alot. Mind you, for meaningful things, there are lots of things to gain in surfing the net, want to be vast about a particular area, just Google it😁, I have learnt that google and of course other very educative sites can be so friendly, you will be amazed by what you learn there. Of course people misuse the net to surf for things that are not helpful. That is just the thing, you get anything and everything you want there, but for me, I am keen about knowledge that is helpful, you sure won't find me in sites that won't add to me.


Alright, I have said too much about the internet, let me tell you another thing I love. Computer!
Wao, it still has something to do with internet😁
I love the world of computers so much, it's evident in the course I chose to study.
The world is evolving so much that the help computers render cannot be over emphasized.
Let's streamline it to softwares cause that's where my interest really lies.
Should we talk about web development, my recent passion🤗, you can recreate that beautiful designs in your head and give your brand that beautiful outlook that makes people keep coming back, if you are able to create a beautiful presence of your brand on the internet, you are one step ahead already, and then you go forward to add back end making it easy for persons to interact with you at the comfort of your home while you serve them well. Ha! What are we not saying again😊

Should I talk about AI?
How you can program inanimates to respond to you how you want them and have them carry out the tasks humans can carry out in a more efficient and effective way, this is just a tip of what the world of AI has to offer.

Should I scratch Data science a little?
A data analyst gathers data and proffers solutions and gives advice to firms which when adhered to yields results, by just gathering data and analysing them.
There are more, machine learning, big data etc.
Lots of beautiful sides in the world of computers. I sure love to explore them and still exploring.
I may not be able to talk about music again, but think of good music with sound lyrics and a touch of good beats preferably gospel, then think of me!😁

Finally, I am joining the Hive community because I see writing as the best way to express oneself, especially for persons not given to talking. Infact, if you want something to be documented for generations to see, write it rather than talk about it!

I look forward to writing about fictions, sometimes realities and then exploring the world of computers cause I know lots of learned people are here and of course, scratch information about music a little.

Thanks for having me!

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