Confusing arguments from the contrarian minority on the "Big Freeze".

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see, he likes it.

Been looking at the talks these last few days after the soft fork. The reactions are almost all positive across the board. There are a few people who disagree ofc whose opinions you could call "legitimate" and then there are the "usual suspects" (the morons) that counter this change just to spite witnesses because apparently their grudges are more important then the security of the chain. (thats not how you get off blacklists)

If i havent made myself clear on this, im completely for this change and i think this change should be permanent. stake should NEVER be unfrozen.

Now that he is aware of what can happen he will be ready for it. The second the witnesses reverse the soft fork is the second Justin will start protecting his investment.
He needs to accept that stake will never be used to affect community consensus.

  1. Justin openly shown hostility towards the chain with his "token Swap" announcement that would essentially dismantle the chain in the end or force a hardfork where his chain becomes "the real Steem.
  2. Its his problem he didnt do his research on what he was buying and let Ned "screw him over".
  3. This should have been done ages ago.
  4. Justin is known for his centralization tendencies shown by actions by him and Tron Foundation. Tron is completely under control by him and Binance.
  5. Steem is not something that exists so Justin can hype up his Trx shitcoin.

The arguments made against this change are extremely confusing. They seem to counter the majority consensus for the sake of countering it.
An external factor threatened the future of the blockchain OPENLY and purchased stake that was acquired unfairly (ninjamine) and had specific rules tied to it.
Just because Ned broke the social contract and his promise on how the stake will be used does not mean the agreement is now void.
Ive been seeing people make that argument and that simply doesnt make any sense.

I dont like Justin. I think he is the embodiment of everything thats wrong with crypto, but if i did like him i would kinda feel sorry for him for ending up in this situation.
He messed up and got made a fool of by Ned.

BUT... that is his problem, not ours. Just because he didnt know (if indeed he didnt) what he was buying doesnt mean that we go ahead and erase 4 years of history of STEEM and forget about the ninjamine.

The other critique is that witnesses didnt talk to us about it..
Theres really a simple answer to that. The chain was under immediate danger and there have been thousands upon thousands discussions on thousands of different posts about the Stinc purchase.
The consensus as to what direction we should take was more then obvious.

Some disagree with this on ideological grounds for some reasons as if they werent aware of the possibilities of something like this happening when they bought into Steem. This is DPOS.
Why did you buy in knowing how this system works? You are free to counter with your stake but if you disagree with the possibility of this happening then you ideologically disagree with DPOS and Steem making your investment very confusing.

The only criticism i will accept is that it should have been done sooner, a criticism i hold as well...

Not my best post :D, just wanted to share quickly, in a bit of a hurry.

Ill see ya.

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