Flip it and reverse it meme-a-thon

Good day Hive!

I'm not a huge hip hop fan but I was always curious about Missy Elliot and I was a teen when she was really popular, she had this song that she kept signing "flip it and reverse it" then a bunch of gibberish some of us tried to decipher until we gave up and just called it the gibberish that it was. Like a decade later I herd the song again maybe with a more evolved brain and realized she flipped it and reversed it by saying it backwards...Man I felt stupid after the realization and that it took me this long. What is the point of this story? THERE IS NONE AT ALL besides waste your time with the first paragraph... What a jerk eh!!! πŸ˜‚ Just the title of my post made me think of this.



I'm sure you will hear it a thousand times in the next few hours but THE FLIPENING IS HAPPENING! Hive just kicked some steem butts, flipped it and reversed it! Ever since the split, we were on a downtrend and it was a bit rough, many were beginning to lose hope and some remained hardcore hodlers but here we are, briefly touched a dollar with steem riding in our dusty trail... like a bad Sun-burn. Betcha he's fuming too😝. Finally! Maybe his sock puppet installers can cool him down with their tears for supporting the wrong side and being left out in the dust when we stared new.



Projects that should affect the price of Hive didn't even come out full steam ahead yet and it happened anyway and the steem platform has become a bot-voted garbage ghost town since we left. The downtrend has been REVERSED and hopefully we are only going up from here in the long term, at least for the duration of the crypto bull run, I think we were all starting to feel left behind in all the crypto action of the last few months but things are looking up and the future is bright. Not bad for a "platform gone rogue" as we are described in some crypto articles.


Overall, I'm not surprised, a lot of toxic dynamics have drastically changed for the better since then, new platform = new commitment and for the most part, everyone delivered and did their best to make this the platform that it is now a year later. If anything, hopefully this price pump re-enforces the ethical choice everyone made to treat this place like our precious gem rather than the big dumpster fire steem had become for probably most of it's life.



If you are a hodler, you are probably starting to dream of the what if we do go to the moon? Clearly if you live in a lower income country, it must be a huge morale boost to know you will be earning more for your daily postings at least for the time being.



Even for here Canada, my account still turned into a proud sum/savings account, not quite enough to do anything substantial yet so hodling is easy for now but what if we hit $10? That would be a nice down payment on a house, could I still hold with Teflon hands or will they be a little shaky? Everyone in my real life was saying I was crazy and was going to fall flat on my face when cryptos backed by nothing vaporize like a fart in the wind...I better not hear any of them say it's just pure luck. It took hard work, commitment and faith! We all know the economic system is rigged against the people, we took matters into our own hands instead of whining about it, nothing about luck here.


For the most part, we are far from reaching full potential, this place has so much going for it already and we are just at the early stages with minimal adoption. Surely these price hikes will draw newcomers along with some old bloggers returning. Realistically speaking, I'm glad I stayed and continued accumulating thru all the FUD because there is about to be a lot more competition for the reward pool as the price continues to climb. For that reason, I plan on hopefully holding on to my stake for a few years and continue generating value to other's blog. I'M ALL IN. The moon or nothing, screw it, lets go to Mars. I'm preparing for when robots take over all our jobs and leaves us all unemployed permanently, maybe our art can save us...somehow like some weird digital renaissance era where the internet doesn't suck because of corporate control and censorship.


How about you? What is your strategy? Have you thought about what is your magic sell number? What would you buy if you were a cryptonaire? Will you risk it all and hodl for a few more bull runs? Will this price hike immediately impact your life enough to take some profit and be used towards life goals this run?

Sorry, been a while since I memed it up, had to get it out of my system.


Happy Sunday! Cheers X🐞X

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