Northwest Passage (Prizes inside) August Trip - Pt3

Continuing our boating adventure across Foxe Basin in the Northwest Passage, we encounter more of the natural wonders of Nunavut.


Ah, for just one time I would take the northwest passage


To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea

Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage


And make a Northwest Passage to the sea.


How then, am I so different from the first men through this way?


Like them, I left a settled life. I threw it all away.


To seek a Northwest Passage at the call of many men

To find there but the road back home again

Stan Rogers - Northwest Passage


To help promote @lensy and the NFT Photography site I will be giving away 2 photographs to REAL people who leave comments below this post. I will try to exclude the bots, which should be fairly easy as they stand out like a sore thumb that's been whacked with a hammer all day.

All you need to do to be eligible to receive the NFT's as Prizes is leave a comment. Let's #ENGAGE each other. Tell me what you like about the photo or what you think of NFT Photographs. Personally, I think they will be EXTREMELY versatile in the months and years to come. No crediting artists, no slogging through stock photo sites. Just buy the product you want to use and use it any way you want.


Find my artwork for sale exclusively on
Find my photographs of Nunavut scenery and Wildlife on
Follow me on twitter here: Hive Related Account / Photography and Art Account
I am also on Instagram: But only Photography and Art
More art on DeviantArt at: Ice-O-Lated
Hive Divider provided by @thepeakstudio


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