EUC VLOG w/ GoPro 360º MAX post-thunderstorm ramblings about community subcultures!

What’s up @hiveio, @threespeak! Another EUC video blog! Sorry. This one is a bit rambling. I’ve been trying to get a day that I could take the electric unicycle for a long ride […at least a few miles]. It rained all day, but around 8:00p.m., there was a break in the weather and I took that opportunity to hit the road. I rode the electric unicycle down Marshall St., then caught the green way bike trail which is one of the most beautiful rides in the city. Right along the Mississippi River.

I ended the ride at the abandoned railroad bridge; the same spot my Mavic Air 2 drone had a fatal crash just a few weeks ago. I got it back a few days ago […a brand new one, actually], and I was excited to take it for its maiden voyage. As I mentioned, this one is more just rambling about how excited I am about the EUC, talking a little about the phenomenon of strong subculture communities similarly to cryptocurrency/blockchain communities. Also, I didn’t get the invisible selfie stick thing perfect this time. Apologies!

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