Things we do to be successful.

School life was insanely stressful at multiple levels. Even during my primary school days, the pressure to get good grades was already there.

You know, Parents feel a sense of pride when their kids do well in their academics. It's a feeling I enjoyed giving my parents every academic session. Aside from the intent to impress, the desire to be among the best was there. All of these were serving as a motivation for me to try as much as possible to always get good grades.

As I advanced further in academics, I got to see people who took this whole race to an entirely different level. I can easily give you a full list of a fraction of the people who became obsessed with reading. They took 'burn your night candle' to the next level and a great number of them pulled all-nighters...

pexels-photo-207700.jpeg get good grades.

Wow. Now that I'm thinking of this, it appears that the method that leads to success is something we all know;

  • To get good grades in school, you need to study like crazy.

  • To amass wealth, you need to put in the work.

Stuff like that is well known to us and doing this increases your chances of getting what you want. On the other hand, you have to make sure that you are not overdoing any of these because it can also brings about disaster.

While I have high regard for putting in the work, I don't envy anyone that pushes himself to the extent of experiencing burnout. I've been there before and I can tell you for a fact that preventing burnout is easier than getting over one.

In other words, allowing yourself to experience burnout is something we all need to think twice about. Putting too much pressure on yourself is not worth the negative ripple effect that comes with it.

These words are for you and me...

We are not in college and we are not competing to get good grades, but life is still happening to all of us. The hustle and bustle of life hit us so hard and we know the need to do the work to achieve success.

I didn't pull a lot of all-nighters back in Uni, but I see myself doing a lot of that now.

Am I overdoing it?

I hope not!

To be more specific, I try not to overdo things in my attempt to be successful. My health needs to be top-notch for me to enjoy wealth when I make it 🙂.

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Image taken from pexels.

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