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Display of antiques in an old hotel, but without any description

Hi Hive Lovers

Here are some collections of antiques in the form of ceramic jars and ceramic plates in an old hotel in a very crowded city 20 years ago.

By chance sometimes we find the unexpected. It can be anything. For today, I stopped at a city in Aceh, namely Lhokseumawe City and I had to spend the night there because I could no longer drive a car.

This city used to be known as the city of petrodollars, because in this area in the 1960s to 1990s a giant and largest natural gas drilling company in Asia, namely PT. Arun LNG. They used to be exporters of liquefied natural gas to various countries, and employees of the company were even from abroad.

In its heyday, this city was a city that "lived" 24 hours, full of glitter and we can get everything here, including hotels with the best facilities and never empty of guests from various countries. One of them at that time was the hotel where had I stayed earlier. But now this city is like a “dead city” that all foreigners have abandoned, so only local guests choose to stay here, myself included.

When I got there, I was very interested in the antique display belonging to the hotel owner. All of them are displayed in a narrow corner of the hotel lobby and placed on special shelves at a height, so hotel visitors cannot touch them. I counted them carefully and there were 55 in total. Consisting of 43 ceramic jars and 6 ceramic plates with various shapes, sizes, motifs, and colors. Everything is very unique and beautiful. I've seen something like that, only in museums.

Unfortunately, there is not a single piece of information that can explain the origin or any story about these precious objects. Judging from the pattern, all of them must be old productions from the dynasty... (I don't dare to guess) and certainly, they are from China.
Really, there isn't any information there.
It is deeply regretted!

(If one of you is very interested in antiques, maybe you can try to visit this hotel and ask the manager there).

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