Hello May, Poetry & Spiritual Thoughts from Nature


Building momentum on the bike down the slope, we caught up with the gentle breeze. From the gathering where she loves to sing, down to her grandmother’s home where she loves to play.

Enchanted by the simplicity of rolling, we find a familiar lush lawn and drop our bikes, slipping off sandals to allow bare-skinned feet to meet soft rain sprinkled grass.

It’s prickly with an occasional stick, maybe memories of words that hurt, as we walk beneath a beryl foliage of light. We worship, we sing, we laugh, we talk, we find a well of wilderness, of beauty, like a waterfall, sunshine pouring through the leaves, mixing with the breeze. I slow down, linger in that spot where the light seems to dance. We think of You.

This place reminds my soul to catch the Wind, to absorb the Light, to let my heart burn bright.

We walk, feet to grass, we sense your beauty tickling our souls.

There is richness of life in this day, not measured in the accumulation of anything, weighed rather by the quality of every breath. The beauty of moments, together, in what we may mistake for boring or waiting or walking.

We see the breeze sway the tall grass, leaves flicker with green luminescent light, we turn to sniff the flowery sweet scent. We glance at the flickering leafy light.

Then off home, a warm bath, a simple meal with loved ones bumping elbows, bread broken and wine sipped. Outside the light dims and the delight and surprise sparkle in childlike eyes, lightning spluttering from a short lived insect.

Briefly here, glowing silently, then gone.

Words & Photos by Jonathan McCallum

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