Coronavirus Assessment Part 5: Final Thoughts (So Far)

So far, I have written about the flawed model behind the initial responses to COVID-19/SARS-CoV2, the economic fallout from those responses, the problems of understanding and responding to it politically, and some questions we need to ask.

With all of that in mind, let's try to grapple with this issue calmly as we ponder the unknowns facing us ahead, and examine how we can better respond to them.

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Have you poisoned your mind with the yellow journalism of the news media? Have you surrounded yourself with Coronavirus Karens eager to exercise their busybody control freak instincts? Chicken Littles screaming that the sky is falling? Partisan hacks eager to play blame games? Tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorists who make wild unsupported claims? Find a healthier circle of acquaintances and a healthier media balance.

Have you been a Coronavirus Karen, Chicken Little, partisan hack, or tinfoil-hatter? Make an effort to improve your own disposition. At the very least, don't be a snitch ready to report dissenters and disobedience to the "authorities." Don't try to assign blame based on whether someone has a (D) or (R) after their name. Don't spread every clickbaity article on Facebook. Treat anything that scratches your particular itch with extra suspicion.

Take some personal responsibility. If you still think the risk is too high, make preparations for continued self-isolation, but don't just assume your assessment is automatically accurate and should be imposed upon everyone else. If you think the risk is overblown, don't be a jerk to those who still have concerns, and recognize that some people are still at a higher risk. Act like a civilized adult despite disagreement, please.

Whether we face further coronavirus threats or not, we are still likely facing rough economic waters in the months to come. Find ways to take practical steps toward more self-sufficiency. It's not too late to plant some veggies. Store some flour, beans, rice, and toilet paper. Learn to cook from scratch. And get to know your neighbors, whether they are frightened or nonchalant about the bug. Find out how you can help one another.

Next time things go sideways, who can you rely upon? Who has been trustworthy, calm, and rational? That kind of person should be the foundation for your friendships and your ideal for personal growth. And don't fall for it again next time the government goons who just sold us a bill of goods while ramming through more political plunder in the guise of public aid demand our unquestioning obedience and unthinking action.

Government goons lie. Government cronies want power and wealth above all else. But always remember, while the boy who cried "wolf" also lied a lot, eventually there was a real wolf, too.

Be wise. Be careful. Be safe. Be free. And, as always, join the discussion in the comments below if you have anything to add.

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