Introducing myself on HIVE @ichwan-syahputra


Hello everyone, welcome to my first post on HIVE. This is a happy day for me because I already have an HIVE account with the name @ichwan-syahputra. Let me introduce myself, my name is Ichwan Syahputra (@ichwan-syahputra), I am 32 years old (07 March 1989), I am a graduate of Civil Engineering, who obtained a Bachelor of Applied Science degree at the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic.


I currently live in Bineh Blang Hamlet, Meunasah Manyang Village No. 15 C Muara Dua District, Lhokseumawe City 24351, Aceh Indonesia. My daily job is working in the field of construction supervision.


I have hobbies, among others: photography and traveling, I often do these activities on weekends or during work holidays. I like landscape photography which I often encounter when traveling.




I'm interested in joining Hive after listening to explanations about Hive from some of my friends: @alanmirza @abdul.ellyazhar, they also helped me register this account.

With me joining HIVE, in the future I want to post new things that appreciate other people and things that can add to my knowledge. For example a story about what I experienced in the course of the day and did not bore other people, with the dream of making a better life.

Basically I read almost all the posts on HIVE which I think can add insight and increase my imagination in writing. But in my post later in the future I really like posts or writings about photography This is my brief introduction, which may still require a lot of attention from all of my friends because of my lack of understanding in the world of writing and stringing words. So I beg to be able to get criticism or suggestions from all of you as a friend of steemit for the next post to be better and can be more developed.

Maybe I'll stop here for a while as an initial introduction when the ship's sails are lowered to explore the HIVE ocean. Well, from my small heart I hope for prayers and encouragement from all parties who have been here for a long time to help me in the future, so that I will be consistent in carrying out HIVE.

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