Sam Sorbo - Is Home Education the Answer to Our Broken State System?

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--Many of us are becoming increasingly concerned at the state of our education system and In America home education is a popular choice. Our guest this episode is Sam Sorbo, Sam is a high-profile advocate and campaigner of home education and over the years she has written numerous books, set up websites and run courses to help parents through the journey of removing their child from the state school system. Most people have gone the easy route of handing their children to the state to be taught whatever the government want, and parents have little or no input. But there is a better way. One that could have a huge influence on how our children grow up academically, emotionally and spiritually and that is home education. If you think this sounds a daunting task and you feel that you are not up to the challenge, then you need to hear this interview. Sam explains how it is possible to reclaim our children from a system that seeks to destroy values of self-worth, truth and creativity. Sam’s enthusiasm is contagious, please share with parents everywhere.


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