Who is Harbiter?


Harbiter is an Invisible of the night, mistreated and disowned by his own city. The indifference of the powerful ones forced him to live on the streets. The dark and dangerous alleys have become his new home. Struggling to survive, one step away from death, he understands what he was missing: the courage to keep his head up high against all hardships. So he finds the vocation to guide the Invisibles to subvert the order established by the powerful ones and regain their life. His words are the hymn of the renegades; his music the steps of the uprising.


Hi Hiveans, my name is Samuele but you can call me Harbiter, which is the name of my character and my musical project. But let's go in order.

Born and raised in Italy -- near Venice -- I've always had a predilection for art in general and at the same time a very logical and rational way of doing things. I therefore like everything that is scientific and experimental.

As a child I wanted to be a scientist, then I discovered writing, painting and music and I wanted to do everything together.
I eventually went to university to study chemistry.


Of all my interests, music has proven to be the strongest one and is still the most fundamental part of my life today. After having played for many years in various bands in the rock and metal genres, this passion still ignites my soul and there is nothing I want more in the world than to make a living from my music.


A couple of years ago I discovered dark wave and electronic music. Given the end of my previous metal band (Scyther) I decided to start my solo project in these new genres, which allow me to produce all the music by myself.

This gave me so much freedom because now I have full control of everything I do.
I've released four singles so far and my album Blinded in Chains will be out soon.


Scyther, my previous thrash metal band

I have only recently discovered the world of Web3 and I see great potential, especially for all the artists who decide to reach people directly with their music without going through record labels or dubious streaming services.
From what little I have seen, the Hive community already seems very cohesive and involved. Here I feel the willing to create an environment that benefits everyone and I am happy to be a part of it.

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I will curate my blog as my journey within this world. I also invite you to follow me on Instagram to get real-time updates and grasp my aesthetic, but what I will do here will include more about my personal experiences.

PS: If you have any suggestions on the best alternative to Instagram here on Hive I would be grateful. I already know Liketu. Is that okay or is there something else too? Thank you

Thanks for your attention. I'll try to post at least once a week and also contribute in some music communities. Also I'd like to create a dark/gothic/electronic community here. I hope to find someone who's interested 😁

Links to all my social media and music: https://bit.ly/m/harbitermusic

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