What is happening to this world?

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For the life of me, I wish I could understand life better.  The sad thing is that most of us just go with the flow and we are not really bothered about the person next to us.  If things go right on our side of the world, the world is hunky-dory.  

It’s everyone for themselves!

I have stopped watching the news a long time ago because if I don’t see it, it cannot bother me.  I am an empath and bad things tend to disrupt my life and take away my focus from things that are more important- according to me. 

I am still on social media and one thing I have noticed is that there are no boundaries anymore. Just browsing through Facebook has its difficulties because there is so much negativity involved. Humans are just followers, and if one person gives a negative comment, you can be sure that the next comment will be even more negative. 

It’s like people do not have proper values anymore and anything just goes. Shocking and sad things people do become old news in a matter of seconds.  We read it, get shocked, say something about it, and then we just move on to the next post. 

Most things are not terrible anymore.  We are so used to the weird and sick stuff people are up to these days that it doesn’t really bother us anymore.  Perhaps for a minute or so but then it's over and it stays their problem.  We don’t want to get involved.  

I’m not talking about sticking your nose into other people’s business, because for sure, you get plenty of unnecessary drama on social media too. I’m talking about hard-core bad stuff like kids using drugs and people posting pictures and videos of themselves while drunk and without inhibition. 

It’s enough to make anyone feel sick and I can promise you I was no angel, but social media was non-existent at the time when I grew up.  I would have NEVER posted anything about myself on social media should it have been available.  

It’s like everyone lost all values and norms. People post funny videos about small two-year old’s swearing and they want to kill themselves laughing because it is so cute.  

No Karin it is not cute it is disgusting!   

The other day I read a post where an eight-year-old boy was dropped off at an orphanage.  His mother and stepfather were moving, and they didn’t want him anymore.  Who in their right freaking mind would drop off a child at an orphanage because they don’t want him anymore? 

It is a human being, not a puppy man! (dropping off a puppy would have had the same impact, however)

Why have a child if you don’t want him? Plenty of people around who would love to have kids but they can't. I would have gone through GREAT lengths to provide for my children if I had to, but give them up…NEVER. 

How utterly sick has this world become? 

What chance does that poor boy have of turning into a normal human being with values, if he must go through life knowing that his own mother didn’t even want him? 

My husband is an ex-policeman, and he has told me horror stories.  Parents leaving their three little kids, with the youngest 6 months and the eldest 5 years old, for the weekend so they can go away for the weekend alone. 

How sick is that?

What is happening to this world? 

Are there too many things that go wrong, and are we all just too scared to become involved? 

Have we all just given up on trying to make the world a better place? 

I understand that we cannot help everyone but surely, we can help some.  We need to look around us and see what we can do to help.  It’s time that we get out of our little holes and open our hearts and purses to help others.  

What if it was you in that bad situation? Would you want someone’s help?

Just doing one small good deed, can start a chain reaction and if everyone puts in more effort a lot of good can be done.  

Stop being a sheep and stop following the herd, otherwise, you will soon bleat just the same crap everyone else does!

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