
This photo has many fun and sad stories to it πŸ˜‚ . This was on a visit to the museum weeks ago. I was indeed surrounded by plenty amazing art works. And while I was busy taking pictures I came across a unique art work. I can clearly say its a horse calm and meek awaiting its masters instruction.
Many of us haven't encountered a calm and meek horse most times because of their current mood and their level of anxiety.
There are plenty of reasons why a horse could be nervous in his job. Most often anxiety comes from confusion, current mood, state or their stress level. Horse doesn’t understand where they are and which action would follow. Yeah! Horses have feelings too.
From the horses facial expressions, I find it struggling to comply with a difficult request from its master, but yet it remained calm.
On the other hand, I tried picturing how hard the master must have been yelling at this calm horse πŸ˜‚. Yeah! I think i just pictured something similar to what it might look like and had to take a picture with the calm horse.
Be it a horse or any pet you have learn to treat them nicely ❀️. They're golden gifts as they aid to provide us with companionship, reduce stress, and help to increase our social activities. Thus, we owe it to these creatures to treat them nicely.
Have a nice day friends 😊
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