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Weekend-engagement week 25 wrap up: Focused on your phone photo

Welcome to a brand new week hivers, to Monday. Yeah, I know...It sucks, Monday I mean, but can't be helped, time moves on...Besides, it's not too bad as tommorrow is the first day of December and that's when my countdown to the end of the year begins...So, as of today there's 24 days until my last day of work for the year. That's 34,560 minutes or 6.56% of 2020 left to go before I can say goodbye to the office for a little while, and hello end of year break time. Can you tell I'm looking forward to it? 😊

Anyway, I hope you've all got a great week planned, that it goes to plan and that you're flexible enough to adapt if it doesn't!

But enough of all that, it's time to wrap up the #weekend-engagement topic for week 25 and hand out some hive to a few people.

Lake Wakitipu, New Zealand - I took this with an Samsung S9.

Week 25 was all about your phone photos...I asked you to share one photo that you'd taken with your phone and tell us a little about it. Not too hard right?

If you would like to check out the post and a few of the photos and comments you can do so here and don't forget to leave a few comments of your own as it may open up a new relationship for you which could pay dividends down the track.

As always I have a little bit of hive to transfer to some of those who engaged.

Of course this is not the key concept behind the #weekend-engagement topics; Winning hive. The main focus is to engage, to have a place you can do so on the weekend that is a bit of fun and is a friendly environment full of like-minded people. The relationships one can form here could be extremely valuable and I don't promote a drop comment and run ethos; Staying around to comment a little on other people has value, and that's what I try to promote.

This week in addition to the hive put into the reward pool by me, @galenkp, I have some from @bigtom13 and @tarazkp as well so thanks for your contribution.

Well done to @ladybug146, @trangbaby, @krazzytrukker, @notacinephile, @gvkanten and @dswigle who have all had some hive transferred to their wallets today.

Thank you to everyone who participated, I hope you had a good time and enjoyed interacting with some of the other legit hivers who also came along to play.

This week it is week 26, the six-month anniversary of me starting this concept. I don't want to put pressure on it or anything as it's hard enough to come up with topics as it is, but I hope y'all come along and have some fun with whatever topic I release on Friday night.

Enjoy your week and don't forget to get engaged on hive - It's the best way to meet people, build relationships and put yourself on the map!

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

Join the Engage the weekend Community - A community dedicated to the weekend!