The storm

I took this picture of an incoming storm. It was odd because behind me was blue skies and sunshine, ahead the storm you see rolling in...And the rainbow in the moisture-loaded air. It was an odd feeling to be in the the middle of fine weather and the incoming storm...

...It feels the similar right now with all this covid-19 stuff going on don't you think? Happy life behind, doom and gloom ahead?

Borders closed, travel restricted, major events cancelled, manufacturing, business, universities and schools closed, large gatherings banned...

...There's a storm coming y'all, or has it arrived?

I'm travelling within Australia in a week, to Tasmania on a week-long holiday, and so far it is still possible. Who knows how it will go though? I'm also supposed to be travelling to Finland via Denmark in July however my sister-in-law told me their trip to Copenhagen in April is now not possible and that Denmark might be closed to outsiders all summer...That will put an end to my trip there in July.

I don't know what the result of this scenario will be however I hope some lessons are learned, not least of which being the need to maintain better hygiene.

It's pretty pathetic when governments need to advertise how to properly wash your hands...But then how many times do people exit a rest room without washing their hands? It's fucking disgusting y'all. Seriously disgusting.

Another thing is the need for every member of society to take greater responsibility to be more self-prepared, in general. The toilet paper and hand sanitiser debacle around the world is simply pathetic, and the blame lays at the feet of ill-prepared people and the worst of human-nature combining into a perfect storm of panic buying. People who don't take responsibility for themselves and their families, all the time, should be ashamed.

And speaking of shame? The Chinese, and any one else who engages in wet market type activity, should be completely ashamed.

If you don't know what I am talking about see the link about Chinese wet markets right here. This is where the covid-19 thing originated and it's fucking disgusting. I get it, people gotta eat, but bringing animals from every corner of the world and housing them together inside small, hot rooms is a recipe for disaster...And it's all government backed. The opportunity for disease and virus transfer from animals not usually found together is increased...And is why the world is in the situation it is right now.

Here's another video in case that first wasn't enough for you. Inside a wet market.

Watching those two videos will explain it better than I could. Hmm, I wonder...Maybe all the vegans could band together and head over there and do some real good rather than complaining that people drink cows milk. Hmm...Just a thought.

So, because of the insistence of the Chinese to continue to illegally traffic wildlife into China, house and slaughter it inappropriately then consume it we face the current situation around the world. Thanks China.

We will weather the storm, probably. I mean it's happened before so is nothing new. 1917-1918 saw 50 million people lose their lives to the Spanish Flu for instance...We will make it...Not all of us, but most I guess.

Life will go on, maybe not my trip to Europe, but life in general. I try to keep my life as normal as possible hence our intention to fly down to Tasmania in a week although I'm not even sure what will be open down there. It could be a total disaster.

I hope life is ok for you guys and you're managing to find some normality. Have a great week y'all.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺

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