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Decent dude gets apprehended...By a decent dude

I would say that I'm a pretty decent guy, friendly, easy to get along with, trustworthy, honest and law abiding...

...OK, maybe not the last one...Let me explain.

Last night I was heading home from the monthly Adelaide steem meet up around 8:30pm and was a couple hundred metres from my driveway when I was surprised by red and blue flashing lights in the rear view mirror and the short bursts of a siren...The po po. That's right folks...I got pulled over directly in front of my house.

I brought the car to a stop, buzzed the window down and waited for the cop to come over hoping it was one of my cop-mates being a dick. It wasn't.

"Good evening sir, may I have your license please." He said sternly.

I fished out my drivers license and handed it over whilst wondering what crime I may have committed...Had they finally caught up with me for that time I stole some grapes from the greengrocer as a 5 year old? He took my license and...Handed it back seeming somewhat annoyed...I'd actually handed him my firearms license which looks almost identical to my drivers license. Smooth move Galen ya pelican. I rectified my mistake and he asked...

"Is this your car?"

I confirmed that it was and he proceeded with...

"The vehicle isn't registered and hasn't been for the last eleven days."

OK, it all became clear. At this stage though I was more worried about the penalty for driving an unregistered vehicle - Loss of drivers license. Considering I need to drive for work...Well, I wasn't feeling good.

I told the cop in my most innocent-sounding voice that I was sure it had been renewed and he seemed happy to give me the benefit of the doubt. He said he would run it again and asked that I check on my Ezyreg app to see for myself...I did so, finding it a little difficult to concentrate with the flashing of red and blue lights in my rear view...Checking checking checking...

Fucking fuckety fuckery fuck stickery fucking fuck...Not registered.

The cop came back over and questioned my findings with an upraised eyebrow...I had little choice but to tell him that is was indeed unregistered. OK, now I was fucked. He nodded and indicated his second running of my plate confirmed the same.

"We looked at you twice as you were zipping around back there. These are 50kph streets and you need to slow down." He said sternly.

I nodded...As innocently as I could figuring nothing I could say would aid the situation.

"Where do you live?" A funny question considering he had my license in his hand.

I pointed to my house literally 10 metres away.

His face seemed to relax a little and...Is that a little understanding creeping into his visage, a slight smile?

"I'm going to send you a warning notice." He said bluntly, and the relief on my face must have been visible. "You need to slow down around here, and you need to register the vehicle by close of business tomorrow," he went on to say in his straightforward cop manner.

I committed to having it registered by that evening and thanked him for his understanding.

"Have a good night sir," he said passing over my drivers license. He walked to his vehicle, an unmarked vehicle, and took off...I watched him go, now indistinguishable as a police vehicle as the lights were off.

With a shake of my head I pressed the start button, swung the wheel and turned into my driveway.

I was fortunate on this occasion. Losing my drivers license would lose me my job, no doubt, and that's not something I would be very pleased about. It was my fault the vehicle was not registered, or Faith's although I didn't blame her - A lack of communication I guess. I was just grateful that cop was a decent dude and realised he was dealing with another decent dude who made a small mistake...Like an idiot.

So, what I want to know is what's your criminal past. Well, maybe don't disclose all the facts, especially if you are indeed a criminal...But have you guys ever had a run-in with the law like this? How did it turn out? What happened? Share your story in the comments if you feel inclined. Extra points will be rewarded if the story makes me laugh.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺