Ancient sea bed and toasted sandwiches

We set out early, the glow of the headlights showing us the way and reflective white lines flashing past as we sped north. The big dog, my four wheel drive, ate up the distance with ease, the big V8 engine burbling along smoothly as it hurtled us forward to our destination; Far enough away to be devoid of others, and close enough to reach on a day trip.

We were headed for some hiking, Faith and I, and had a mind not to see anyone else. I'd contacted a friend of mine who owned a huge farm at the southern end of the Flinders Ranges and he was pleased to allow us on the farm for some hiking and a picnic. It pays to know people.

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Once at the property we would see no one else, but on the blacktop we passed car after car as we sipped our coffee's, chomped on a donut and chatted away. It was 8am Sunday morning.

We would normally be far away on the June long weekend, camping, but we decided not to travel this year as my dad isn't very well; Being closer to home seemed prudent.

A day trip seemed possible though, some hiking, and as we pulled into the driveway of the property, some 3 kilometres long, I felt our decision was vindicated; All thoughts of anything but the trails ahead of us melted away.

A few hours later we were making our way on trails most will never see, to places only a few people get to go.

This property is vast, many kilometres in length and depth, almost a thousand square kilometres in total area. We are fortunate to have access whenever we choose, and I come here to shoot, hike and off road several times throughout the year. So here we were hiking along, listening to birds above and the scurrying sound of lizards running for cover as we went.

Around 1pm we decided to find a spot for lunch. I had packed a lunch of pre-made sandwiches; Ham, cheese and mustard for me and cheese and tomato for Faith. We had cashew nuts, almonds and dried apricots for after and water to wash it all down. Nothing gourmet, just good wholesome food.

I'd brought along a small piece of mesh which I used to toast the sandwiches over a fire. A little effort finding some wood and starting a fire rewarded us with hot coals to cook over and before long the smell of toasted bread and melted cheese was making our mouths water, a tastier counterpoint to the smoke of the fire...With the crackling of the flames, warmth of the sun on what was a pretty cool day and the company of my wife Faith combining together I felt pretty good about our decision to make the day trip. Life doesn't get much better in my estimation.

Faith and I had promised not to talk about everyday things like the virus, work, our business, my ailing dad, our cancelled holiday...We just sat there, munched on our sandwiches, listened to nature and the crackling fire, occasionally talking about where we might travel next year on our road trips around the country.

The photo immediately above is where we stopped for lunch. There's a small winter creek and it was nice sitting there listening to the water as we toasted our sandwiches and ate.

We continued our hike after lunch and came across a spot we have been before. It's a piece of petrified sea bed from millions of years ago.

This whole area was under water, around 570 million years ago, and evidence can be found all over the place, fossils like this sea bed turned to rock. It's very cool to find some, and amazing to think that this area, the sea that was here, predated the dinosaurs.

Before long we trudged back to the big dog feeling pretty tired but content.

My mates family were not at the property yesterday however the farmhouse was open and we had permission to go in and freshen up a little. We left a carton of beer there in thanks and headed home.

Days like this are always long and tiring. After five hours in the car and five to six hours of hiking we always arrive home worn out, but always satisfied.

We are very lucky to be able to access places like this, to have permission to come and go as we please. It is a privilege. Taking the time to go all that way, making the effort to do so, brings us happiness and some distance between the stresses of everyday life and our own well-being.

So, that's what my Sunday was like. How about you? What did you do, where did you go?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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