1095 + 1 - G-dog's journey

It was today, 1095 days ago, that my first post went live on hive when it was called something else that I don't want to mention. It seems a lifetime ago, June 13th 2017, when I clicked publish on my introduction post and looking back I can see how my thoughts, writing style and how I present myself has evolved. It's not better or worse, just different.

Today begins my forth year I have been blogging here, day 1096, and on each and every one of those previous 1095 days I have published a post an average of 1.6 times per day and made countless replies and comments also. Millions and millions of characters; Millions of words I suppose too - Assume 1600 posts at an average of 700 words...That's 1.2 million words.

Sometimes I wonder how I have made the commitment, found the consistency and the ability to write original content for so long and how I have found the time, no invested the time into sitting here at my computer working away on the next, and the next and so on.

Working isn't really the right word though as I don't see it as that. It's enjoyment and at times catharsis, sounding-board, outlet (if you have read one of rants you will know what I mean), diary, life-log...Whatever you want to call it the last 1095 days can't really be called work. I've enjoyed it, been frustrated by it, been attacked through it and generally consumed by it. I'd have it no other way.

A long time ago I changed my focus from using the blockchain to gather crypto, that magic internet money I knew nothing about, to gathering enjoyment. From that point my experience changed, deepened, became more enjoyable; It is that action to which I credit my longevity here and the fact I have posted so much, seemingly with ease...Although I assure you a lot of time and effort goes into it.

Furthermore, and probably most importantly when considering why I am still here grinding daily, posting and engaging as much as I do, is you. That's right you...The one sitting reading this word here. And...This word and this one... You get the idea. It's been the engagement from the community that has rounded out my experience. So, thank you, you're all a bunch of knuckleheads but I appreciate you. If you feel all warm and fuzzy inside right now you are one of my favourites.

Anyway, I thought I'd drop a few links here to some of my past posts so that you could take a read. You don't have to, I know that only a few actually read posts here, however I'll do it anyway because, well I post for me, not others and these posts make me happy.

First I want to dot-point some highs and lows I've experienced. Just for the sake of posterity. So here goes.

  • High: First hundred followers, some of whom are still with me.
  • Low: Seeing people I valued and enjoyed drop off and disappear.
  • High: The relationships I've built and foster - The banter and engagement.
  • Low: Seeing people who could have a great experience here fail to put in the effort.
  • High: My first 1000SP achieved
  • Low: The reward pool and community abuse that seems rife. (Bad actors)
  • High: My first 1000 and then 2000 followers, although many are dead users now.
  • High: Making Dolphin and now Orca in hive power.
  • Low: Making comments to users that go un-replied to - Makes me sad.
  • High: The deep satisfaction I have gained here, despite the low's.

So, below are post I've written, some humorous about me, a couple fiction and a couple about my dad from some war-time stories he told me. Some gun stuff, art and a little history. It's just a cross section and not an all-encompassing indication of what I write about.

My Pegasus bike
My swimming pool greatness
The fire incident - Not my finest moment
The crossbow - Also not my finest moment
The knight story part one (fiction)
The girl story part two (from above, also fiction)
A dad story part one
A dad story part two
A dad story part three
The cyclops _ this is funny
Long range
Tai Chi - I am a master at it
The miscarriage (Fiction)
Goodbye cobber
My artwork - Personally drawn and totally amazing
Motorbike - Take a ride with me
Fiordland - NZ from my vacation
Light horse - Australian history
Disturbing art

I understand, it's the nature of this place that most will never click those links above and read the thousands and thousands of words there. Who really cares about what the old G-dog says anyway?

The thing is though, that in each of those posts, and every single one I write, there is a little bit of me, not all of me mind, just snippets. Combined they make the sum and total of me though...You may never see it, the complete whole, however I add a little bit into everything you will find here on hive. It is one of the things that means the most to me here - Being me.

I don't know what other people get out of hive, why they are here and why they bother. I guess money is the most prevalent reason but there must be others. It's about enjoyment for me. I just keep doing what I do, engaging posting and being me...It's enough for me, and for some others who join me in using this place for enjoyment.

Thank you to any who have supported me along the way, to those who have engaged and to my brother @tarazkp who harangued me to join in the first place. (Yes, he is my brother in real life - The smart one.)

I'm pretty keen to hear why you're here. What brought you to hive, what makes you stay, what you enjoy about it and what you think would be an area for change? I'm not a power-broker here, not someone who can make changes, just a small user who applies consistency, but it is cool to hear what others think, what changes people think they would like to see done differently. Also, feel free to tag the user name of any accounts you think I should be looking at.

Have a great weekend and take care.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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