INTRODUCTORY POST: @frustrated-doctor from PHILIPPINES!


Hello everyone, this will be my very first post on HIVE and I would like to introduce myself. I am a BS-Biology graduate from Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan here in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines.

I’m sure you will be able to connect my chosen username to the field of science which I studied for 4 long years and understand why #frustrated-doctor.

Yes BS-Biology is a preparatory course to Medicine. Most of the students who took up this course end up being a doctor. But not me. As my username connotes, I am considered a frustrated doctor.

To be a doctor was indeed my ultimate dream since childhood but due to circumstances that cannot be avoided, I failed to realize that dream.

I admit monetary constraint was one of the major reason, but I also believe that to be somebody in the future is a destiny. If you were destined to be a doctor then you will be no matter what. This is the reason why it’s been a long time already since I accepted that I can never be a doctor anymore.

Why I wanted to be a doctor?

First I wanted to be part of one of the noblest profession in the world. Being a doctor would give us a good name and status in the community, I wanted to be a respectable person.

Second I wanted to be of help to those who are sick. I was mold to be a man for others and I thought being a doctor could be one good avenue for me to be able to serve those who are in dire need in so far as their health is concerned. Maybe if I became one, I already had helped a lot of people with a services that are so affordable to the masses.

Being a frustrated doctor I have this prayer that one day one or two of my 5 kids will be the one who will continue my dream to become a doctor. I am fortunate enough to have partly realized that dream since my eldest is now a registered pharmacist. Hopefully one day she will decide to pursue her studies to medicine and become a successful doctor in the future.

I still have hopes that two of my sons will become a doctor too. One wanted to become a neuro surgeon and the other a dentist, although I personally prefer for my youngest to become a surgeon instead of a dentist but whatever they want to be in the future I will surely support them. I just hope that they won’t change their minds as they grow older.

So what I wanted to share on HIVE?

I may not be an expert in giving suggestions or recommendations regarding one’s health but I will be writing on things related to health in general. I hope it could be a good contribution to this platform.

So please welcome @frustrated-doctor at your service!

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