Top 3 position seems inevitable for India as COVID-19 infections continues to rise exponentially!

Screenshot 2020-06-04 at 8.52.40 PM.png

India went into lockdown when we were under 600 confirmed cases and we are opening up when we have crossed 200,000. It definitely looks like the government has given up on trying to effectively contain the spread. Early on it seemed a top 10 position seemed unavoidable for India and we got there quite soon. I check this website for India specific updates.

Our testing has room for improvement as the new discharge policy has skewed our recovery numbers. Our recovery rate looks good because people are being discharged from quarantine and hospitalisation without testing if they are asymptomatic or exhibiting mild symptoms.

Its known that asymptomatic people carrying the infection can spread it to perfectly healthy people and even recovered patients can catch the virus once again.

After considering the current growth in the virus and misleading recovery numbers its safe to assume that the best course of action is to remain indoors, avoid unnecessary travels. The cost of treatment in private hospitals for COVID-19 is quite expensive even for mild symptoms and severe cases it can empty your pockets.

If you have a health insurance you are probably safe from expensive medical care in case you can't get into a government quarantine centre for treatment.

We're close to getting into the 6th and are likely to overtake Italy in a couple of days. Heck, it's pretty safe to estimate a top 3 position for India in a month or so if we continue adding over 9000 cases a day and don't slow down.

Our people too don't seem to care anymore as everyone has gotten used to the threat of a virus. Social distancing isn't being strictly followed and whenever I head out to run errands i've noticed its business as usual with traffic back to near normal levels already in my city.

A vaccine would be very welcome right about now. A densely populated country like India could easily see greater numbers than US too. I really hope we don't get there. I don't think our healthcare system can cope with it.

If you are not from India, do you see any improvement in your country's numbers and has your government been effective in containing the spread?

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