Vote wisely - USA supplies most of Rio de Janeiro's drug lords weapons


Make a difference, always choose to vote

A few years ago, drug dealers shot down a military helicopter using a rocket launcher. Their high caliber custom weapons mainly come from The United States. In Rio de Janeiro, citizens fear dying from stray bullets, not robbery. The image above is a gun apprehended from a famous female dealer. Most Americans aren't aware of this. Those that are, usually don't care.

Here is what I have to say if you, dear reader, somehow care about what is happening across the world, and you want to do something about it! Before voting for your favorite politician, look up his career record. Has he ever done anything for the common good, or has he only protected the interests of billionaire private companies? Because these companies are the ones responsible for making the world a crappier place.

Whenever you get a say in something, research a bit and choose to participate. Pick people whose interests are not aligned with mega corporations tearing down nature, exploitation of those in poverty and aiding ill intended groups. Let's turn our planet into a healthier, more cooperative world. The home of an advanced civilization. That will be a lot more fun than what's available right now.


sources: 1, 2, 3

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