Hello Hiveans, a Newbie is Here: My Introduction

Hello Hiveans! A newbie is here..

I am really excited to be here on the Hive platform. I have heard a whole lot about this space ranging from the fact that it encourages creativity and also rewards for engaging and being original. Shout out to the brains behind it and the entire community.

My name is Fortune Etim Bassey. Born and raised in Nigeria.

I am from Mbak Atai, in Itu Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. I am from a family of seven including my parents, three girls and two boys and by the grace of God, and I happen to be the first son after my elder sister. Being a first son comes with a lot of responsibilities and I am equipping myself to live up to all expectations.

Thanks to @tomlee and @mhizerbee my sister who recently encouraged me to join this platform. I must say that this platform is amazing. I'm new to cryptocurrency and blockchain but I hope to learn and also earn some coins in the process.


Actually, I'm a Gospel pianist and I've played the piano for five years now. I love music and I'm currently pursuing a career in it. I'm also a drums player but my major and favorite is piano, I play handball
and I'm currently playing for the U20 team in my state; Akwa Ibom State boys. I am a photographer too so I handle cameras, I shoot and edit videos, and I plan events like concerts, birthdays, programs etc.

I am a Gospel minister, a lover of God, I'm talented and very simple, I just love being myself, I am selfless, I love helping people and I am addicted to music.

My Hobbies are : sport, dancing, music, acting, video coverage and editing, a lover of video games eg: psspp, singing, drawing, playing piano and drumming.



I promise to be consistent in posting inspiring things about God as well as sharing impacting and insightful posts, I will also be sharing the little I know about music, piano and drums. I look forward to engaging and making new friends here.

I believe in working smart and always being consistent in all I do. I urge us to always be positive in life. Life is beautiful.

I pledge to adhere to the rules and regulations governing this platform, so help me God. I'd love to be recognized with the Heartchurch community (@steemchurch), @OCD community, the
Music community, and @Gems community and many others. I hope you all find my contents insightful and of value.

I welcome myself on-board.


I am @febbykeys

Thank you for visiting my blog, I really appreciate it.

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