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Enjoying Life While Living!


Everyone is worried about the Macro virus called Corona, again, be vigilant, ok but panic, don't my friends!

I try to reflect on the atmosphere in my city as long as Corona has entered Indonesia which has been running for more than 5 months. We were really worried about this virus and continued to carry out the health protocols set out by WHO

Semua orang sedang khawatir dengan Macro virus yang bernama Corona, sekali lagi, waspada ok tapi panik jangan kawanku!

Saya mencoba merefleksikan suasana di kota saya selama Corona ini memasuki Indonesia yang sudah berjalan selama 5 bulan lebih. Kami memang sempat khawatir sekali dengan virus ini dan terus menjalankan protokol kesehatan seperti yang telah ditetapkan oleh WHO


However, every day, the atmosphere that we feel as ordinary people is getting different, there is an excessive sense of fear in various levels of society. Even so, local governments always educate residents to stay alert to this virus

Namun semakin hari, suasana yang kami rasakan sebagai masyarakat biasa ini semakin berbeda, ada rasa ketakutan yang berlebihan di berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Pun begitu, pemerintah daerah selalu mengedukasi warga agar tetap waspada terhadap virus ini


Today I am enjoying life while living, maybe these words are suitable for me to make the title of my post this time. Excessive fear will only further erode your body's immunity, it is certain that if the body's immunity is weak, the virus will easily attack.

Hari ini saya sedang menikmati Hidup selagi hidup, mungkin kata-kata tersebut cocok saya jadikan judul postingan saya kali ini. Rasa ketakutan yang berlebihan hanya akan semakin menggerus imun tubuh anda, sudah pasti jika imun tubuh lemah, virus akan mudah menyerang.


The solution, just enjoy it. Let's have coffee and gather as usual. Let's talk about positive things besides the corona virus, let's just say that we will all die when the time comes, so don't think too much about it, while it's still alive, enjoy friends!

Solusinya, ya nikmati saja. Mari kita ngopi dan berkumpul seperti biasanya. Mari membicarakan hal-hal positif selain corona virus, anggap saja kita semua akan mati jika waktunya tiba, jadi jangan terlalu dipikirkan, selagi masih hidup maka nikmatilah kawan!
