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Trumped! – Joe Biden and the Enthusiasm Gap with Donald Trump

Could lightening strike again on election day?

I live in Pennsylvania, and this "swing" State is flopping around like a drunken sailor on shore leave. I don't know if PA will end up being the kingmaker this cycle, but what I'm seeing on the ground should cause the Biden campaign to pause and reflect.

Everywhere I go outside of the cities, I see pumped up Trump supporters. These guys are fired up and ready to vote. They have MAGA hats, bumper stickers and the ever present yard signs. If anything, the level of enthusiasm for the President exceeds what we saw in 2016. The polls? don't believe them, they were wrong last time and likely are again. What I don't see are people with the same level of fire in the belly for Joe Biden.

It's a shame.

He chose the one Black woman that the African-American community doesn't trust. Harris? I couldn't believe it when the choice was announced. Any of the other candidates would have netted him a massive groundswell of support and a willingness to get out and vote. Looks like he played it safe, and who knows, that may be just what he needs to cross the finish line on 2020.

Yes, I see the Biden ads on the rare occasion I watch TV, but how many people do that anymore? Donald Trump has found a way to "reach out and touch" me through text messages on my phone, without me having given his campaign my number. There's nothing similar from the other side, not one text from Biden, hhhhmmmm... Digital ads for The President? I'm seeing them everywhere. I don't know if the democrats are counting on fear of a Trump second term in order to ensure victory.

What I do know, is that Joe Biden needs to heed the warnings from Michael Moore or he may find himself "Trumped" in 2020.

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