This is an odd post about CREATIVITY and WRITING. ✍🏽


:: GIF Source::


Here's a quick creativity hack for y’all Makers out there.

Personal evolution is harder than it needs to be right now -- because of “outside interferences” (that’s an understatement, lol) that do seek to destroy the very fabric of our lives, bodies, businesses. Everything. All of it.

And what I just real-eyes’d is that the dizzying intensity of attack that’s been hurled against humanity… IS PROPORTIONATE TO the Divine Resistance within each of us that can surely smell the difference between bullshit and begonias.


It’s what’s on the news. Off the news. Around the news. IS the news.

Well, damn. Is it any wonder if anyone’s immune system -- or will to live -- broke down under the weight of non-stop meditation upon disease, death, divisiveness?

As a writer, seer, and sayer, I have made the strangest discovery, and am obliged to share it with you, as a Scribe of Certain Evolving Capacities. ← (Wish I could make that sound less strange, but since I can’t, I’ll just own it… with caps. lol)


Our entire body is a giant antenna.

For many of us, our hardware has undergone/is undergoing incredible ‘upgrades.’
I’ve much, much more to say on that in the near future, but for now, just need to mention
that spontaneous dance/surrendered movement will release new information to you.
I don’t even care how weird that sounds.
It is true. TRY IT.

⭕ Put on music that allows your pleasurable abandonment.
(Share a fave in the comments.)

⭕ Let your limbs and core move however they like.

⭕ If you’re very daring, do this while looking in a mirror,
in a chosen pupil (I tend toward my right one). 👁️

⭕ Feel-see-listen to what is being delivered to you. It’s real. And it's yours.

I've received my entire Communications Plan for 2021 doing this!
(The foreseeable parts, anyway.) There is an altogether different News Network,
waiting to be tuned into. All truth. At the center of YOUR being.
Dance freely and wildly to hear better. Literally. 💃🏾👂🏾❤️

P.S. I chose the gif above because of how INTERNAL his focus seems to be.
That is the contemplative aim of the movement. It should not aspire to be beautiful.
Zero performance. Total reception.

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