I Do My Own Time, Not Covid-19's

The title must be strange and confusing, but that's exactly how it it. When things started to get worse here because of covid-19, we knew there will be a lockdown at some point, just didn't know when. The total lockdown hasn't happened yet but we're advised to stay home as much as possible. There's state of emergency and if things really get worse, there will be a total lockdown.

I Do My Own Time, Not The Institution's

This lockdown situation reminds me of a scene from a movie called Blackhat, in which Nick Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth) is telling Chen Lien (Wei Tang) about his experience in the prison. Chris Hemsworth is playing a hacker who's serving 13 years in a US prison for running off with 40 millions, stolen from banks.

I do my own time, not the institution's.
You dedicate yourself to your program.
You work on your body and your mind.

These words stuck in my head. I know this is a movie, it's easy to say anything when you're just impersonating a convicted criminal, life is different, however, I can see the meaning of it and use it in different situations.

I Do My Own Time, Not Covid-19's

When the news broke and was already obvious that we're going to be in lockdown very soon, my first thought was to take care of the necessary things, like food, household supplies, medication, stuff like that. My second thought was what I'm going to do during the lockdown, as it was obvious it's not going to end soon.

There are a number of project already planned and never had time to work on them. One of which is making bags, my new hobby. I'm learning to sew and making bags seemed the easiest way to practice.



I knew right away that I need to act fast as shops could and most likely will be closed down to avoid contamination. On Monday I rushed to my favorite second hand shop where I'm getting my textiles from and was lucky as everything was on sale, so I bought what I could. 9 jeans and 14 shirts.


The next day the shop was closed down and not only that one, but the others too. I guess I was really inspired and lucky as well.


Next, I needed threads and zippers as that is also necessary. I went to the shop that has the largest variety of things.


Lucky me, I could buy the last zippers and got thread and chalk as well. This seems to be enough for now, although I don't know how long this will take. No one knows. The woman at the shop advised me to get what I want as they may have to close for undefined time. Others were not so lucky, several customers were told there wasn't what they wanted.


Working On My Projects

Instead of bitching about being forced to stay at home, I believe it's better to use that time wisely.

Twitter is my source of inspiration, I'm following a few creative people who were also hit by covid-19 lockdown, just like everyone else. One of them tweeted that all the craft fairs were cancelled, so she's working on creating as much as she can for Christmas. That is healthy thinking in my opinion. Staying positive and doing something that will benefit you in the future is important.

I'm not sure if these supplies will last as we're at the beginning of the crises, the hard part is yet to come. Borders are closed, only food, the necessary things and medical supplies are allowed, and this can't be called necessary at all. Regardless, I have plenty for now and plenty of time as well as it seems.

A long lockdown can be challenging mentally, especially if you're responsible for other people's well being but we need to stay positive and make the most of it, use the time to do things we can't otherwise. So I'll be using my time to learn and create. Christmas seems to be far as there are 9 month left but it'll come one day and I'll be ready 😀

Soooo, I'm not going to let covid-19 run my life! There are so many things I can do, why waste time on bitching about something I can't change. Happiness is a state of mind, not a place on earth, I'm creating my happiness during these hard times. If I can stay healthy, I can do a lot.

Life On Hive

I'm glad Hive is live and functioning. There is a lot of work to be done but I'm sure devs, witnesses and dapp owners are working hard to implement everything that it's needed. Many if not most of the people from the old chain are here and I'm sure we're going to make this place great.

Unfortunately disappointment is inevitable. I saw shitposts with two crappy photos and a few lines saying absolutely nothing being rewarded with over $10 vote or even higher and high quality posts getting nothing. I hope this is just a mistake and in the future only quality posts will be rewarded.

This is my contribution to #marketfriday hosted by @dswigle.

P.S. The big plastic box full of yarn is not mine, I took that at the shop as i knew I'm going to have to make a marketfriday post, besides, I'd love to have that box and the other next to it. It's not an usual marketfriday post, at least not up to my standards but it is what it is, if has to do for now as.

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