Happy New Year! We Made It! 2023 BABY!

This NFT by @janetedita is still available at Nftshowroom! https://nftshowroom.com/gallery/janetedita_cards_happy-new-year-2023

This was a pretty eventful year for me. I must say thank you to so many people here on Hive. The past year was awesome for my blogging life here. I went back to school and moved to Oregon in order to pursue my passion in regenerative farming. It was like a fairy tale in ways. Thank you @dandays, @acidyo, @jonyoudyer and so much more for all the support with my school again and the posts I made on Hive in regards to it.

Hive and this community for better or worse was a great source of support for me as I had my life fall apart and trying to put it back together over the past five years. If it was not for @dynamicrypto I would had never had the time or opportunity to do so many things and Hive was a big one of of those things. Thanks man.

Life is weird. I might have the opportunity to travel back and forth in-between Las Vegas and Eugene, Oregon for work. I got a phone call the other day that was like come back to the land of money and get yours after being shelved for 3 years by my union and job at the Venetian Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV. I desperately need the work and $35-$45 an hour for a few weeks of non stop union work sounds pretty delicious right now. I was told 4 months though...

So there it is. It comes full circle perhaps. A five year tail spin seemingly done. My health both physically and mentally is balanced and great! Will I be able to live in Oregon while traveling to Las Vegas for work for 2023? That, I think should be my goal, to take my old job/career back and still live in Oregon. M

What are your 2023 goals?

Happy New Year!

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