Learning Wisdom from Army or Soldier Ants...

Great people of Hive, it is so amazing today and i hope that you'll had a wonderful morning/day...

Please permit me today to write or even talk small on this my little study and observation on or about this insect called Soldier or Army Ant...
Please follow/read to the end and comment what you have learnt about them as well.

Soldier /Army Ant



Now let us not go into the scientific aspect of these ants or let me say Ants in general..
I always like to use natural things to speak profound wisdom because it inspires me alot, and at the same time use them to express myself to people, to tell them that i don't see things the same way people see them. Most times times it could be positive or negative but there must be something different from others.
Yes!!!.. Back to ants. I was always bitten by it when i was very young and sincerely even when i came of age, and for that reason i hated it with passion and zeal, and anywhere i see them i will always seek to kill them.

But do you know that there are lots of things that their daily living will teach you, and lots of things you will know about them and will not seek to kill them like me...lolss.
Many of these things you would have seen and not know or may have heard of and not take it wisely. I tell you, if you see it the other way round you will know too well that they teach us lots of positive things than the negative things wee see and know.
Please follow me well as i show you three(3) things i learnt from them and also show you how it can also be of help to you..
First of it is their;




This is one of the ways that this ant has so affected my life.
Boldness is almost the one thing that most juveniles don't possess especially in this part of the country. Notice that these ants don't think about what will happen to them as they approach any thing. They are so so bold to anything, everything and they don't give any single doll moments to attack it, even though it may be killed along the way but they still go for it. Now to us humans, most of us are so feeble and no iota of boldness in them and for this reason they lost many things that life brings to them.
Please no offence to it ooo... just a way to explain myself properly.
You see a some guys so tripping for a girl or lady, and in his mind he wants to make her a friend and in his mind he has planned himself on how to approach the lady. But you see not how he has gone to approach but will be procrastinating instead, when i see this happen around me, i know for sure that the boldness is not there, and as a result, maybe if he had approach the lady, he could have succeeded but since he couldn't the lady is gone.
But one with boldness will try and even if he fails, he keeps on and will probably gets her.

Looking at this instance, the guy without boldness has lost the girl while the one with it, gets it. I was once like the guy without boldness, but i learnt it after i was threatened by one of the ladies i approached, it was very annoying and embarrassing, so i began to build it. In the process i was stocked with this insect and i began to practice it time to time, though it was still bad at the start but now i can stand out anywhere at anytime.

So i learnt Boldness as a vital tool from this ants. Take a look at this insect an learn it.

NOTE : It is not inbuilt or a natural so you don't say it is not in you, but it is built from the inside of you by You.




Oohhh......This is another important lesson and a good observation. This could be so hilarious to you..
We were so very attacked by this ants so bad that one day they entered our cooking pot and dealt with our dear meal, i was very pissed and mad because i was demn hungry but then what was done, was done. So we put the pot back to fire and boiled them with it. To all this i was like, they are so fearless even to my pot of food.
You see in that picture, as they attack that millipede, not looking at the size and shape, they still deal with it, and to that they have food to eat.

But to us humans, we are so afraid of both little things and tiny things and we will stay hungry and even die in the process, worst if they are told that it is dangerous, they will stop it automatically.
Do you want to hear what i have to say to you??? lolzz....
Wake up!!
Take the bull by the horn, don't let fear grip and kill you.
Learn from this little ant. Then lastly





Yea!! i will not say much on this one because you must have been told many times about unity.
But then let this insects teach you and let the images speak and communicates to you. As you view this last two images, what bell rings in your head?? (keep the answer to yourself, let it remain in your mind)..

See the way they are so united. We humans, we can so hate ourselves and hate fellow human, thereby causing hatred varying from generations to generations, malice exist and grows and with this we don't go far and push forward.

See the way they cross limits and break bounds, you think they have invisible weapons?? Yes they have and that is unity. This is very powerful and must be taken seriously, because there is no task that cannot be done or achieved when there is unity.

Here on Hive, lots of things couldn't have been achieved if they were not united, am i lying? @uyobong sorry am tagging you here. All am saying is that unity is very unique and at the same time vital, it is an important tool to carrying out any task.



In my little way, all i have to say in summary is that;
To BOLDNESS : Be bold to life and be able to face things the way you see them, so that you won't miss out.

FEARLESS : Fear not, take the bull by the horns, don't be afraid to loose and you won't loose, but if fear grips you, then you will be limited for so long as long as that fear stays.

UNITY : Unite with others for the betterment of everyone. Don't be outside the game and be willing to enjoy it, support them. Let there be that unity so that the purpose of anything can be achieved with ease and no stress.

Thanks very much for your attention. Hope its worth a read.
Please feel free to leave your comments below to help me improve.
Thanks again....
I remain my humble self @duncanek

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