Indonesian Hive Community on air at Radio Republik Indonesia [RRI] on 4th July, Check it out!

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Some time ago, the Indonesian Hive Community [IHC] conducted a donation through the Hive Blog for victims of flash floods in Paya Tumpi Baru village, Kebayakan sub-district, Central Aceh district, Aceh province, Indonesia.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, Indonesian Hive Community [IHC] melakukan aksi penggalangan donasi melalui Hive Blog untuk korban banjir bandang di Kampung Paya Tumpi Baru, kecamatan Kebayakan, kabupaten Aceh Tengah,provinsi Aceh, Indonesia.

Donations from the Hive community were successful and all donations in the form of Hive / HBD collected from hive bloggers around the world have been distributed after being converted in Rupiah to the victims of the natural disaster.

Penggalangan donasi dari komunitas Hive berjalan sukses dan seluruh donasi berbentuk Hive/HBD yang dihimpun dari kalangan blogger hive di seluruh dunia telah disalurkan setelah di convert dalam bentuk Rupiah kepada korban bencana alam tersebut.


The donation was fully supported by Indonesian Curator @aiqabrago and also @theycallmedan as a sponsor of hive communities in foreign countries, including one of the Indonesian Hive Communities [IHC].

Penggalangan donasi itu disupport penuh oleh Indonesian Kurator @aiqabrago dan juga @theycallmedan selaku sponsor komunitas-komunitas hive di manca negara, termasuk salah satunya Indonesian Hive Community [IHC].

The agenda received the attention of various groups, both social media and mass media because it was also this time the Indonesian Hive Community [IHC] received an invitation as well as a public discussion at one of the radio transmitters in Indonesia RRI pro 1 Lhokseumawe. The event is packaged in a casual chat [Obras] which will be held on Saturday, July 4th, 2020, with the theme Creative Ways of Bloggers Helping Disaster Victims

Agenda tersebut mendapat perhatian dari berbagai kalangan, baik mediasosial maupun media masa, oleh karena hal itu pula kali ini Indonesian Hive Community [IHC] mendapatkan undangan sekaligus berdiskusi publik di salah satu Radio pemancar di Indonesia RRI pro 1 Lhokseumawe. Acara yang dikemas dalam obrolan santai [Obras] yang akan dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, 4 Juli 2020, dengan tema Cara Kreatif Blogger Bantu Korban Bencana

RRI Realese


A number of bloggers who are members of the Indonesian Hive Community have their own way of helping victims of the flash flood disaster in Takengon, Central Aceh. They posted the disaster on a cryptocurrency-based blockchain platform. Platform users around the world curate these posts. As a result, they donate to victims in the form of various needs.

Sejumlah blogger yang tergabung dalam Indonesian Hive Community memiliki cara tersendiri dalam membantu korban bencana banjir bandang di Takengon, Aceh Tengah. Mereka memposting bencana tersebut dalam platform blockchain berbasis cryptocurrency. Pengguna platform di seluruh dunia mengkurasi postingan tersebut. Hasilnya, mereka sumbangkan kepada korban dalam bentuk berbagai kebutuhan.

What is help like through the blockchain platform? Why does it say that everyone can help disaster victims through blockchain-based social media platforms? Why is it also mentioned that social media can be an alternative income for the younger generation?

Seperti apa bantuan melalui platform blockchain tersebut? Mengapa disebut semua orang bisa membantu korban bencana melalui platform media sosial berbasis blockchain? Mengapa pula disebutkan media sosial ini bisa menjadi alternatif penghasilan bagi generasi muda?

Listen to Relax Chat (Ngobras) at RRI Lhokseumawe, Saturday 4 July 2020 at 10:00 - 11:00 WIB with hosts @ayijufridar and two speakers @my451r & @dilimunanzar

Simak Ngobrol Santai (Ngobras) di RRI Lhokseumawe, Sabtu 4 Juli 2020 pukul 10:00 - 11:00 WIB bersama host @ayijufridar dan dua narasumber @my451r & @dilimunanzar

Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) is the state radio network of Indonesia. The organization is a public broadcasting service. It is a national radio station that broadcasts all over Indonesia and abroad to serve all Indonesian citizens throughout the nation and overseas. RRI also provides information about Indonesia to people around the world. Voice of Indonesia is the division for overseas broadcasting. RRI

Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) adalah jaringan radio negara Indonesia. Organisasi ini adalah layanan penyiaran publik. Ini adalah stasiun radio nasional yang mengudara di seluruh Indonesia dan luar negeri untuk melayani semua warga negara Indonesia di seluruh negara dan di luar negeri. RRI juga memberikan informasi tentang Indonesia kepada orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Voice of Indonesia adalah divisi untuk penyiaran di luar negeri.

To open Radio Broadcasting of the Republic of Indonesia [RRI] You can open the website below

Untuk mendengarkan siaran Radio Republik Indonesia [RRI] anda dapat membuka situs webnya di bawah ini

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